Let’s keep this going!
Continuing the discussion from Working on working out:
Let’s keep this going!
Continuing the discussion from Working on working out:
I go to the gym 2 days a week because I’m still in IOP the other 3. I do 2 miles on treadmill and 4 miles on bike. I alternate days on weight circuit with arm and leg. I walk every night with my daughter and sometimes walk 2 miles with my girlfriend in mornings before gym. I take a woman’s multivitamin and a hair, nails and skin vitamin.
Did a solid hour of footwork and slips this morning. Just got home from an hour long Krav Maga class.
Got up this morning for an hour of leg exercises. Some traditional calisthenics type stuff, and some exercises I stole/adapted from ballet. The former was good, but the latter kills me every time. Reminds me that legs are made up of twice as many different distinct muscles as I usually think, so I can hurt in twice as many ways
20 miles on the bike (stationary) at 0400 hrs…Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Dropped 20 lbs in 2 months…
Today was my rest day, but tomorrow is shoulder day. Yippie
My sons have a gym in the garage
I work my legs every workout, as a fighter needs good legs. Skipping rope, footwork drills, shadow boxing. Love to shadow box, as it’s a full-body regenerative workout.
Man I’m way behind you all lol. Yesterday I did 30 push-ups for the first time in years probably. Today I did ten push ups and ten sit ups each hour I’m awake. Trying to start somewhere. And sadly my arms were sore from 30 push ups yesterday! however not that sad at least that means some of my muscles are actually working if they hurt. My goal is to move more and eat less for now. Then I’ll add goals. I actually love cardio- just have to start small otherwise I fail.
Lethewi seminar today with World champion Dave Le Duc. Majorly stoked.
I have gone hard the last 2 days. Today is homework day and maybe getting a tree with my gf which should be interesting cuz I am not sure how we are in our relationship at this point. Keep on working out people! Def takes the mind off of drinking.
So happy to be able to check in here again. I’ve been doing short workouts for the past month to help get myself back into it…I needed to let go a lot of my control issues that surrounded feeling worthy which was achieved by physical fitness or eating. I let a lot of things be that I was holding onto so tightly.
I am definitely a person that needs movement and to be able to clear my mind with exercise.
Had my first attempt at getting the train and then cycling in to work today. About 7 miles each way on the bike. Even with an electric bike I am sooo slow. Getting lost on the way in and going along a dark canal tow path on the way home didn’t help.
Honestly, not the best experience but I’ve done it now and I have a better idea of what to do next time. First thing will be cycling in on a day when I am working from home in the afternoon so I can get back in daylight because I found passing other cyclists in the dark along the canal pretty terrifying.
My arms and legs ache and I’m tired so I’m counting it as a work out even though I took nearly twice as long as Google Maps predicted
I did two short workouts right after I woke up this morning. I use a tabata timer and do 15 intervals of exercise/rest that add up to about 10 minutes. The plank workout is about 7 minutes… Combined they make for a decent workout before the day starts.
Hit a new PB in pushups yesterday (raised leg, feet up on stand ~40+cm high).
And i hate pushups.
But what i hate more is remembering when i could do them while still hating them.
I stopped for a while through injury and apathy. When i started again i sucked at them. Could hardly do any again.
I would much rather hate them and be able to do them, than hate them and be unable to do them and hate that i can’t do them.
When I was 20 I could bench 300 and had biceps like softballs. When I hit 21 it went straight downhill as my drinking went straight uphill. Closing in on 3 years without a drink and everything is beautiful…except I am scrawny . So I pulled the trigger and bought this. Heres to change and a jacked 2020.
I’m in the same boat. However I haven’t yet started to do them again because I’m dreading the difficulty that will surely come!
I usually warm up with about 3 sets of 12 pushups, easily. Now I probably can do 10, difficultly lol I mean it’s still better than the none I’m doing now