Yes or No.. Do you have a Big Book?

Yes big book is a must have along with 12 & 12 and the little red book is one of my favorites to read

Yes I have 2.

No, but the webpage that has the pdf has been bookmarked.

I would be interested in hearing about this agnostic
Book, as I know that AA puts a big focus on a higher power. While I don’t necessarily take issue with that, being a person who does not follow any specific spiritual path, I would appreciate some alternative material for guidance.

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I wish there were more reactions besides the heart, like on Facebook lol

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Yes :grin:

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The meeting I go to is a We Agnostics meeting… I think the 12 Steps were just adapted to be a bit more friendly for those of us who don’t necessarily believe in a prescribed God.

However, I do know there are some books on the subject. Two off the top of my head are:

-Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life by Joe C.
-Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks, and Weirdos by Bucky Sinister

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Actually I think You don’t even have to be spiritual for this aspect of the program to work.
The so called god/higher power mentioned in the steps can be even something like source of inspiration.
I don’t think agnostics would have problems in accepting something like source of inspiration or even something like gathered energy for all hopeful people trying to break from the addiction.

What do You think about that? :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes. The big book is awesome!

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I’m an addict, one was never going to be enough, Came to believe and Language of the heart are lost in the post somewhere.


Impressive collection :ok_hand:
Did You read any other self help books? If so, which ones?

The power of now, A new earth, The power of Awakening, just for today, loads of daily quotes books and Buddhism books.
If I only absorb positive energy hopefully that’s what will come out more often. So far so good.


I think so too, based on the law of attraction - what is being focused on, is being attracted.

Best wishes :hugs::pray:

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