Yoga chat 2023/2024

Sassy :heart:

This pose is such an amazing all around good pose.

What is winged lizard. I looked, could not find. I found flying lizard, but thats hard!!


Folded pigeon is my favorite for sure, especially with my head tucked under a ‘wing’ :heart:

Should have said winged dragon, not lizard…I like it with a fold over a bolster…maybe tucked a bit under my thigh, with head down. I am all about the props these days. More stress = more props.

Flying lizard is well beyond anything I care to do or could do. You know I am all about the stretch and release. As I age it becomes even more important to lengthen my time in a pose (for mental and fascia…both require more stretch).

Totally off topic…do you have a grounding mat? A friend has suggested for my recent stress / cortisol induced sleep issues.

Back on topic…would likely pull something badly in trying winged lizard, and perhaps break my face or wrist or both!! :roll_eyes:


Spicy heat! Love it.

Winged dragon gets me in the groin, where many of my issues are. I like it too.


Did this full body inbetween day 2 & 3 of Nico

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Girl, you skipped because day 3 was ABS :sweat_smile: can you help me by commenting and keeping this going?

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Different than exptected. Really liked it.


Ahhhw you found out my secrets.
Thanks for posting this series again, got good memories lol. Just trying to get a tiny finey everyday routine back in! It works. And my mind is a bit more stabile.


I did my first Yin Yoga, TRE and Meridian theory class today. I can’t believe how my body shook during TRE. It was a very eye opening experience and I do feel quite light and airy.

Anyone else tried this mode? I love yin yoga also, it’s my fave.


Yin is also my fave. Right now I am also very involved with restorative to soothe my nervous system.

Enjoy your classes!!

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Merci :sparkling_heart::heart:

What is this?

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Trauma release exercises. :blush:


Ok ok, i will give this a go. Just did this pose, oh the shakes! The drama of my trauma :sparkling_heart:


I shook like mad….i was so tired after it…and light!

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This looks like a wonderful practice (tho I would need some props for saddle!). Thanks for sharing, will try it out.

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Yes. Or half saddle :kissing_heart:

I was going to ask you if you have your fave Yin teacher go-to.

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Half saddle is equally as challenging on my quads!

I like Bird’s short evening yins or restorative. I am lucky to have a couple of yin classes I go to in IRL. Adrienne of course has some nice yins and Travis Eliot is another favorite. My algorithm on YouTube seems to show all the old instructors I followed during covid vs very many new ones. Do you have any instructors you particularly like?

At my age I really appreciate long holds, I am going to search on that right now! :slightly_smiling_face:

Edited to add… I was thinking of Kassandra not Adrienne…Kassandra has some great classes…I like her a lot + she has a cat.

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