Yoga for October! Yoctober anyone?

Day 2 done and it definitely ramps up from day 1. I wasn’t quite as graceful today :sweat_smile:

Great start to the day tho. I liked the visual of thoughts as clouds in the meditation. That stuck with me :+1:


Day 1 done got to remember to breathe🙂


Went to a wonderful in person class this morning taken by a friend of mine who has recently done her teacher training. She is so good! Lovely open level, accessible class. I really appreciate a slow, gentle practice that gives the opportunity to build strength by focusing on the foundations, rather than just hammering it all the time. Which is why I like YWA I suppose.

Anyway! Great to have an in person class to go to as well as the at home practice :blush:


Day 2 Complete.


Day 2 done (with considerable effort)


Yesterday I did a quick self guided morning flow. Actually tried the Yoga With Adriene video for today. Not my favorite but not the worst and it got me on my mat! Really enjoyed the meditation with it!!


I’m not going along with the videos necessarily but can commit to daily practice!

Day 1: Taught a vinyasa flow at a yoga studio. I used the root chakra as my inspiration when creating the flow. I don’t know if it really came together as I intended but it felt like a good class.

Day 2: My friend is visiting and I led us through about an hour of practice outside. It was lovely to practice in nature.

Lately I’ve been working with box breathing and incorporating it into my classes. Does anyone else work with this technique? I like to use it for a few rounds while grounding in the beginning of a practice. In daily life I’ve been getting hit now with anxiety and stress, so I’ve been trying to do it on the spot when that happens.


Box breathing is such a great thing for calming. I don’t always remember to do it though!

I particularly like doing a double count for the out breath. So in 4, hold 4, out 8, hold 4 (or whatever numbers). Trapezium breathing :laughing:


Day 3 :white_check_mark:

Feeling achey today but worked through it!

Lovely twists, back definitely in need of some attention after some time off yoga. Legs are quite heavy, standard thing for me. I also find my hamstrings are both tight and easily overstretched, so added in a bridge pose at the end for a little bit of strength there.

If anyone has any suggestions for other hamstring strengthening poses let me know.

Stayed in shavasana for the meditation which was lovely. Recommend having a blanket handy to make the most of that :ok_hand:

I don’t really connect with the idea of self love that easily, but I do like the idea that we are love, all connected, so breathing love in and out was a wonderful way to start the day. Went outside after practice and there was a rainbow in the sky which felt fitting somehow :rainbow: :sparkling_heart:


Day 3 complete :+1:


Day 3 done

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Day 3: I did a half hour, self-led practice. Began with a brief meditation leading to intuitive stretching, spinal twists, hip openers, some standing half sun As, and much-needed childs pose and shoulder stretches. I love practicing without a plan or agenda. Just letting my body move as needed :sparkling_heart:


Day 3 complete

I am listening to my body today and after a physio treatment, a massage, two yoga sessions oh! and a few squats it is telling me to take today off. A huge part of my recovery is learning how to pace myself so that I do not have episodes of PEM and fibro pain… its a learning curve that I am trying hard to be more willing with.
I had a nice mat meditation today instead.

Meet you on the mat tomorrow.


Yes to listening to your body and keeping within your limits! Although it still sounds like you’ve done quite a lot, so not exactly a day off :kissing_heart:

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Day 4 :white_check_mark:

Meditation day. Phew, my arms are in need of a break. I’ve done very little exercise (or anything much, to be honest) over the last few months and my body has got noticeably weaker because of it. Looking forward to building up some strength again but appreciate the time to rest too!


Day 3 & 4 :ballot_box_with_check:
Used the Down Dog app for 15 minutes restorative yoga last night before bed and woke up and did it again this morning with some added hip openers.

Leaving for a 7 day bike trip tomorrow and definitely going to need the daily yoga while on the road! :biking_woman:t3: :woman_cartwheeling:t3:


If meditation, sometimes mixed in with some stretching is yoga, sure I’m in! :innocent: I’m open to routines which encourage self-improvement… :pray:


Checking in for day 4.


I find squats a bit hard on my quads. Will try the dippy lunges though! Thanks :hugs:

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Day 4 complete, I did an active day as I meditated yesterday.