Yoga for October! Yoctober anyone?

Day 4! Took a Gentle Yoga class at the Y tonight. It was so lovely. I enjoy fast-paced classes at well, but it can be nice to just slow down and take time in different poses.


Day 5 practice done, woke up late so didn’t do the meditation this morning.

Arms are still aching so my transition from plank to cobra was a belly flop :sweat_smile: but I know the discomfort is just a sign that I am building strength back up and as I write that I realise it is a good metaphor for recovery/ life.


I really like seeing how everyone is going about this in their own way, tweaking where the need to, adding or removing things as they go. This freedom in practice has really drawn me to yoga in the past couple of months. So glad I started, the benefits just keep adding up. I am having to resist over doing it tho, and there is still a tendancy to maybe go a bit deeper into poses than I should at this early stage. I’ve hurt myself a few times as a result. But I am starting to learn more about my body as I go and what my problem areas are. Also, this night flow (or a version of it) has helped with achiness in the morning.

I also found a really exciting looking 30 day programme and did the first day yesterday, just to see if I like it. It was great so after Yoctober I will start on that.

Have a great day folks :+1:


Day 5 complete. (just posting is keeping me accountable otherwise I’d have talked myself out of it by day two). Everyone seems to be doing really well.


Day 5: began the morning with a guided forgiveness meditation. It just came up suggested on an app I use so I decided to try it. It was actually really powerful! I was able to recognize where I hold tension in my body when confronted with the thoughts of someone who harmed me and started to feel it releasing.

In terms of physical yoga practice, I did a 30 minute chair yoga video I found online. I’m subbing a chair yoga class tomorrow and I’m less familiar with this style so I was looking for some I inspiration. Then I created a sequence for a senior yoga clas I teach Thursdays and tried it out. I practiced outside which was so lovely!


Day 5 complete.


Day 6 yoga and meditation done :white_check_mark:

My arms still aren’t recovered so was pleased to have a hands free practice this morning. Woke up late again but as it was short did the meditation too.

Alternate nostril breathing doesn’t work for me as one always seems to be blocked. But enjoyed some nice trapezium breathing instead. More pranayama in the meditation too.

Wasn’t feeling particularly anxious starting this practice, but definitely feeling calm after :relieved:


Day 6 - I did angry gym with ball throwing (I can’t think of what they are called) so I appreciated a quieter/calmer yoga.


Soon heading for today’s final asana. The hardest. Shavasana.


Day 6 - especially enjoyed the breathing in the meditation.

Found the yoga challenging when we got down here

Hips need some work for sure


Ha yep my legs do not go anything like that and my forward fold is a slight lean at best :sweat_smile:

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I mean I know you said it was angry but that’s a funny way to describe it!

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Glad it’s not just me :upside_down_face: I did a video the other day that said this position is often difficult for people.


Ha! Yep, sorry that came out wrong. Medicine balls!

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Some great modifications for this pose are to sit up in a support like a block or cushion. You can also slightly bend the knees and place support under them as well. It’s a challenging pose and support can help offer some ease.


Day 6: Well I somehow ended up teaching three yoga classes today and I demonstrated poses throughout each class, so I definitely got my practice in :upside_down_face:

I subbed a gentle yoga and chair yoga class this morning. Then I was asked last minute to sub an outdoor vinyasa class! It was so nice out today and a great opportunity, so I had to say yes. I’m teaching two senior classes tomorrow morning and I’ll be keeping those very gentle. Big teaching week! Usually I teach two classes per week but because of subbing I’ve got six total. I love it though. A great way to connect.


Day 6 complete.


Very nearly skipped this morning’s yoga, overslept and didn’t have a very good night, slobbing on the sofa felt quite appealing! But I didn’t. So day 7 yoga :white_check_mark: did skip the meditation tho. May try and come back to it later.

Week one in the bag! :partying_face:

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Thank you. I will give this a go :+1:


Day 7: Taught two more classes this morning! Thankfully it was two gentle yoga classes so my body did not get too overworked. With both classes I worked with a senior demographic, which I really love. I was also asked by the local YMCA to start up a Saturday morning class, starting next weekend, so that is very exciting. Letting my practice evolve as a teacher is very special and I’m grateful for opportunities to teach and guide others.

I hope everyone is doing well during this first week of their YogaOctober journeys!