You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Lovely to hear from you hang in there my friend it will be better :heart::heart:

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Im okay to. :heart:well done 13.5 month thats great. Wow. Understandable that you are nervous for that- i will pray for you :heart:

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Well thank you!! I was around reading, just chose to refrain from replying a bit.


Thats okay just the last time i saw you replying you said you were having some rough days, so was just thinking about how you were doing

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So sorry :disappointed_relieved::hugs::hugs: thinking of you xx

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Ahhh you missed a lot then I shared my entire addiction story on here ill tag you innit, you might like to read it.

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Thank you. I will very much like to read it. :slight_smile:

Was looking at older threads today, hoping that @Hrroberson1 is still going strong.


Ooh! I’ve wanted to write a screenplay but never made it a priority. These days I’m more interested in writing scores than screenplays.

Glad you are doing well!

How are you doing @Charlie_C? It’s been a while and I’ve wondered how you are. Hope all is well.


in your own time mate and everything Jane just said.




@anon86726034 Kevin, you posted the best elf on a shelf pics. They really made laugh during some tough times around the holidays. Hope all is well with you and your family.


Hello hello. 190 days in. Just kinda working on my mental health. Depression kicked back in so its a lot of going to work and coming home to sleep. But Im a rollercoaster. Thanks for checking on me. I just realized you sent this 14 days ago. Guess i havent been on in that long.


You don’t need to be sober to check in, but checking in might help you get sober.

Just a thought.




still good to hear from you. Look after yourself. :heart:

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@KerryS, how are you making out?

@Wesley3 and @Maverick936, how r u guys doing


Hey man. Doing good. Super busy the last 3 days working on my truck so i can get it ready for the road next week. I finished this morning and just relaxing the rest of the day. Its beautiful here for a winter day. How are u doing?? Thanks for the msg

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