You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Absolutely, Kevin @anon86726034 - we are wounded souls in need of healing, which comes slowly but surely (in my case) from accepting myself, where I’m at and where I can get to + realizing that people actually love me and don’t condemn me for the ‘crap’ I was messed up with from childhood and adolescence…
I too have unplugged from my screens and the manic TV media that seems to just take over everything and create more fear and disorder…
Thanks for sharing, stay well :blush:

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Doing good! How about yourself? @anon60334405
Just been busy with work this week. I’m still pounding out meetings after work every night.
Work and meetings are about all I have time to do lately. What’s going on in your world?

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Awesome dude, glad to hear. Just like to check in and let yah know I’m thinking about yah, I’m doing good to, did my first meeting Monday night and my second tomorrow. Working alot as well, kind bumbed bc I just got a second job and my old past came in and smacked me. They got a hit on my background check, so I can’t work for them anymore untill i get the paperwork for them to prove the stuff was dropped. But it’s ok, god did it for a reason, maybe it’s his way of saying I don’t want to much on you’re plate right now. So I’m gonna accept whatever happens. 31 days today💪. Message me if you ever need to talk man


Good to hear from you!!!

@DanielleRose been to any more meet ups? hopin to hear another awesome share about gettin out of the comfort zone and makin big moves in sobriety! :sunglasses:


My colonoscopy came back normal!!! Woot woot!!


I’ve been thinking about you, I’m so glad the results were good. That must be a huge relief. Bless you @AliciaMarie04 :pray:t2::two_hearts:


It is a relief. But it still doesn’t explain my pain. I’m going to get a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis. I got the colonoscopy first since I have a HUGE family history of colon cancer. The doctor wants me to get a genetics test to see if I will ever have any kind of cancer. My obgyn wanted me to play the elimination test. Now the colon cancer is checked for, I need to get the laparoscopy. Any woman that has pains, knows my feelings right now. It sucks to live in pain every single day. Radiating pain is just unbearable.

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Hi!! Thanks for checking in!! :hugs: Things have been going well! I’m actually going to a recovery meet up tonight that’s a dry bar pop up event. Apparently they’ve been going all over the country it sounds really cool! Hoping to meet some sober people in my community cause that’s something I’ve been lacking.

I am starting to get a bit concerned about the spring and summer coming though cause something about sunny weather makes me want to drink!! I’m especially concerned about a trip my friend and I are planning. She wants to go to the Caribbean for a week and that just sounds like a recipe for disaster for me… A week in the Caribbean on vacation with my best friend surrounded by rum!! I just keep trying to remind myself of all the vacations I’ve ruined with drinking, unable to enjoy myself because I was hanging out by the toilet or hungover or putting myself in dangerous situations. The worst is waking up at 4:00 a.m. all sweaty, filled with anxiety and self loathing.


I’m sorry that you are going through this my friend. I hope they get to the bottom of what is causing your pain and get you sorted soon. I’ll pray for you :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Thank you! It literally is the process of elimination at this point. It’s like, how long has this pain really been going on? I drank for 21 years and now I’ve been sober almost 14 months. I’ve noticed the pain a few years ago but I was always so drunk that I just ignored it. Now that I’m sober I feel like the pain is so much more prevalent and it sucks. I will get to the bottom of this for sure. Thank you for your prayers!!


Where’s the dashing braw @Ray_M_C_Laren been?


He’s been on vacation. Maybe Spain this time?

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Ah good stuff. Hopefully he doesn’t get affected by quarantines I’m hearing about wherever he’s vacationing

He’s probably in a meeting somewhere :joy:


Funny I just logged on today after a while self healing ! No relapse !6 months today and I posted a selfie topic ! Thank you so much🙏🏻


Glad to hear you’re going strong! Excellent wotk on your 6 months!

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@Dolse71 Missing you brother! :facepunch:


I’ve only been to work you soft twat, you need to read up more on your Co dependency. I’ve got another late shift today so another quiet day from me. Look after yourself.


@swam @Rae what’s happening, how’s life.