You are missed #2 (Part 1)

I spoke with him last week, he’s doing good.


Hi @Dolse71 Sorry I’ve been a but distant. Been isolating a little bit gna make some effort to come out of mb shell again. I close to day 64 got my green tag yesterday :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. Its been a rough few weeks/months but I think I’m in the uo with my mental health. Reaching out to my HP more trying to connect and yeah. Thanks for the thoughts!! I appreciate it so much!


ah nice it’s good to see your doing well. Tricky times for sure, I’m wearing the hell out of my HP but it’s back now and I’m sober. lost myself there for a while. Yes you should check in more, you’ve got so much too offer with all those sober days. Proud of you.

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Hello this is Kelsey I just saw this group just wanted to say hi I am an addict and I’m here to learn from people and maybe people can learn from me I mean anything that helps my sobriety you know so hello how is everyone doing??? :blush::blush:


if you post on the checking in daily thread you’ll soon find people you will relate to, read and be inspired. :grin:

Welcome hub! Message me anytime! Good to see you striving for sobriety! You’ve come to the right place! :heart_eyes: welcome to your people!! :heart::heart:

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Thanx i will do so

@beyondmythoughts I see your posts on Instagram, Trinity, but social media can be deceiving. Hope you’re doing well.

All is well, 2 years sober.


It’s nice to see you back here. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Just back for the moment, but thank you.


I’m doing alright… I had a death in my family and I was a bit confused so I thought I’d give TS a rest and try to correct myself where needed… I wanted to say Thank you so much for being one of well the only people in this world who actually cares if I’m ok outside of my family… That means more to me than I can put into word’s this morning… I hope you are doing alright too… :slightly_smiling_face:


So good to hear you are doing okay!!
I am sorry to hear about your loss; I am pulling for you.

Don’t be a stranger.

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I’m getting a bit concerned about @Ray_M_C_Laren myself. Ray I hope that your alright mate, let us know if you can please. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you all so much!!!


Thinking of you @Ray_M_C_Laren as I know you and your lovely Sheila travel a bunch.
Hope all is well pal


Are you okay? Have not seen you post in a handful of days.
I need my sober twin Marie in this fight with me!!!
Check-in so we know you are good.


hey, I am fighting fit, thank you @GVLNative, was getting unsettled in my journey last week, so when my son came home from Uni came off social media, just wanted a break and focused on him. He is devasted his exams cancelled so it was good to actually support him.

You doing ok? Good to be back and updating, you won’t lost me that easy :slight_smile:

So going to go through the check-in thread and catch-up :slight_smile:


All good here…i can still go out and walk and ride the bike, so no issues.
If they cancel outside then I will be climbing the walls. :stuck_out_tongue:


new rules in UK yesterday, can only go out once a day ! after months of being at home, starting to feel a tad imprisoned. The weather has turned so gorgeous as well … did start do some gardening today…