You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Where you been @TrueSpiritRyuu


We miss you Beth. Stop in and let us know how you’re doing @Girlinterrupted.


I just sent her a note today, hope she is well!!


Im good. Day 215. Just taking advantage of my layoff by finsihing up our house. Cant wait to finish so we can move in! That’s my silver lining is time that we didnt have. Also trying to balance life with my BF who drinks way more than im comfortable with. Its a challenge everyday… Mostly Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Those are the worst!


Lance!!! If your out there! Get in touch! I miss you! Xo

@Fargesia_murielae @Lisa07 @SassyRocks
Here… just a little overstimulated. Taking a social media break. I should be checking in here though. Thanks for checking on me :hugs:


Breaks can be healing!! Glad you are okay!!


I hear ya, breaks are definitely needed to keep our sanity. I’m just happy to hear from you. :blush:





Miss that guy


hey guys. thank you for missing me. i have not been doing alright. my last drink was March 30 2020. i had relapsed kind of severly and starting drinking whiskey by the gallon to cope with my wifes lymphoma and the ongoing pandemic. i have been trying to work from home with my 3 year old. i think i was close to needing hospitalization during my detox today. i had some tingling in my arms and came very close to a panic attack. i called an old friend who has 6 months and he listened on the phone with me for about 3 hours. i did my first aa meeting today via call in and have the meeting schedule for the rest of the week. building up a bit of a support group to help when the cravings come on later this week. i am so blessed to have my life, my wife and daughter. a roof over my head. a job that allows me to telecommute. access to food delivery service and access to meetings over the phone. this may be a challenging time and the only way im gonna get through this is with help.


Sorry you are going through all of this, but it seems you are trying to look to a brighter side and restart your sobriety. I am glad you posted and were so honest. I am pulling for you!!
Know we are all still here if you need support.
Please take care of yourself and you loved ones.


yeah i have known that i am powerless for a while now. just wasn’t coming clean and being honest with myself. i had begun to notice some behaviors like how i was beginning to manipulate my wife to help me get alcohol from my mother in laws house. i had begin to lie to her about my drinking. i had begun to conceal my drinking. i had started not being the support that she needs and the role model my daughter needs. enough is enough. i admitted my alcoholism today and it needs to be properly addressed. its been going on for far too long. i have struggled on here for way too long. this app is not enough for me. if i get a seizure or something like that, it could wind up hurting the things that i love more than the alcohol.


Definitely seek out other sources. I do SMART meetings and work with my doctor. Using a multi-pronged approach definitely helps.

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i wanted to try smart meetings. always had an excuse. do they have call in or internet meetings?


They do. Search for smart online meetings at the following URL:

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thanks just registered and im gonna do an intro meeting this week.

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I miss @Kels


I’m fine.

Thank you. Since I’ve had more time with my family, getting time on TS has been challenging. I still have about 300 posts on the Daily Check-in thread to catch up on. :rofl:

I’m almost wrapping up day 124.


@anon12657779 can’t even find his name anymore???. Not coming up in search though he was just having a break not deleting his entire profile #gutted