You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Yeah I miss him too. I’m hoping he’s ok :worried:


He’s fine. Just stepping away from TS. I hope he comes back soon, but whatever time away he needs is what he needs.


Geo asked to leave and we talked about maybe a self suspension instead, as he felt he might return. He said he was doing well. He is definitely missed.

I am a huge fan of doing what you need to take care of yourself. And often stepping away from here for awhile is necessary and healing.


Hay Emma I’m in daily chats with Geoff I’ll pass on u was asking for him x hope u are ok x


I send my best to him also Nat; let him know he’s very much missed and also I’ve passed my 30 days; my longest stretch.
Thanks lady; I hope you’re doing well hun, :kissing_heart:🙋


Be sure to send him my best as well. :heart:

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Me too. I like Geoff. He has his feet on the ground. Please give him my love and let him know he’s in my thoughts & prayers.


Congratulations Donna your doing great hope your keeping well lovely x

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Of course I’ll pass on your best . I’m sure he will be back soon to update u on his exciting life . He’s doing really well just needed some time out to focus on new goals x


I completely understand. Thanks!



Thanks man! Im sending you good energy too! :smiley::+1:

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@MrCade How are things with you?


Day 525
Still gratefully recovering.
It’s hard to put into words how weird life is, right now. Everytime I accept that I’m not in control, it’s revealed to me that no one else is either.
I spend most days perplexed.
The good news is, I’m not going in on the 9th. The courts here are closed and it’s being pushed, again.


Glad to hear your doing good; I was wondering if that were going to be the case with your start date.
Although I can imagine it could be a mind #*$% also.
I wanted to lyk I made it passed my point where I went back out my last time; you are somewhat of an inspiration for me. I felt the disappointment with a few here back then and it helps me now to stay on track. Thanks for all your help cade; you’ve made a difference here…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

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Please say Geoff hello from me too Natalie!


Of course I will X xxx hope your ok love x

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Yes, I’m fine. I had my bad days, but feeling much better now. Hope you’re doing ok too!

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D’aaaw thanks Donna :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Your stalwart concern for me has helped me tremendously.
Same goes for @aircircle. (btw how you doin girl :wink:)

@anon79808082 I’m so relieved to hear you’re finding some comfort in your sobriety. That’s a huge accomplishment, particularly under these difficult circumstances. (although, I suspect you’re an introvert like me and find social distancing fairly easy :joy:)


Lol, I just said that the other day; this isn’t a big stretch for me!:sweat_smile: