You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Yeah kinda help me stay sober. Glad to hear you are are well :metal:

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Thanks for the update Donna :+1::kissing_heart:

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@050Nl where on earth did you go and @SoberVigilant Where’s your head at.

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Thanks for caring man! I really do appreciate it


@Misokatsu and @Steak - I’m just checking in. Missing you both on the Checking In thread. Hope you are well :orange_heart:


Still here, still sober! I appreciate you checking on me. Just been crazy busy with the move and with work. Had to escape to the mountains to recenter myself this weekend. The cool clean air, campfire and star-lit night skies suited me well. Glad to be back.


Hey Jenna, thanks for checking in on me. I’ve had a bit of a break from the app recently, just needed to get away for a while.
How are you doing? Are you OK? Managing to stay sane in all this madness?


Hi Chris @Hidden! Good to hear you’re alright :hugs: and great landscape :+1:


I’m just catching up on the gratitude list. I’ve really missed that. Sounds like you’re doing great. Really pleased for you.
What kind of dog is it? Any pictures? Xx

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I was missing you too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I just never know what to say when someone takes a break from the app. I first saw the “you are missed topic” and thought about writing you. I didn’t. Then I went back to it another day and saw @Jennajen was asking about ya and I just been trolling that :wink:
Nice to see ya back around :pray::heart:
Head Scratches to ol Fluffy Bottom. Captain Krieger :heart_eyes_cat:


Missed you loads too @Dazercat. It’s really made my evening catching up on all the gratitude list posts. It’s been ace. Glad you’re still managing to stay safe s and well. I’ll give Captain Kruger a belly rub for you, if you promise to give all your gang a smooth and a pet from me! :pray::hugs::pray::hugs: xx


@SirOptimistic how are you doing today?

@slim.shieldsy you’ve been quiet, everything good?


@Jeffrey_Dale hope things are decent w you :+1:


Also goes by the name @JeffreyDale

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good call :+1: i thought it was odd cause it said he hadnt been on since 2017 and i knew that wasnt true

I am good. Me and the wife are currently working on our marriage and today marks my 30th day sober. Its a crazy feeling, but everything slowly seems to be falling into place. thank you for all the support ST. :slight_smile:


@Jake1 how’s it going?

Im In a bad place 2 be honest. Not like back on the dope but after the point of operations, home care on the other side of the country i came back home and work, normal life and social workers started pulling me in all kind of directions… i was juggling balls and just held up till i was attackt by the neighbours dog and nala retaliated politely but she is like 12 times heavyer… so i was quickly made out, and nala for the big bad wolf and eventhough we die nothing wrong, the didnt even want to hear my vieuw. Nala layed down, in peace and submisive signals but the bobtail got the space to ren out couz of not paying attention of her owner. Bobtail een in, i jumped down and with my left hand in Nala’s mouth i managed to throw te bobtail away… but she ren of and let go of the line so she ren back and bit me… Nala was that and have a swift but for a opponent like that hard warning. She could have crushed it in 1 snap… i only get a bill instead of a talk and calls from another neighbour… that was the snap point and im at the verge of a burnout or depression i guess. Had my phone out long and closed myself from the world. I go to see @LuluJo soon and do some time of .
Just to many, to soon, to much… my wounds arnt even healed ter and at the day i get back everybody wants something and i cant barely keep up doing daily tasks cous of my energy level and revalidation…
@mno @Lisa07 @Girlinterrupted @anon89207786 @Dolse71 @anon79808082 @Flamestar @Jimieg @CapriciousCapricorn … no more ads left… i dont know why i reacted so introvert , got out of contact and honestly ren away for My self and my life, i dont eat well… if i even eat, but sometimes cooking helps out but at this point im on a little island, no dealers around but so misundetstood , lonely and was about how the world Works out. I have to stand up now, i just have to reboot and set boundries to take care of me i guess…
Just wanted to let jou know.

I missed jou to ts clannies!!


Wow Joost, that’s a lot to handle. I’m sorry you’re going through all this shit. Please try to hang on, it’s got to get better. You need to take care of yourself and that includes eating. Just know we love and care about you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you and Nala big hugs and kisses. :hugs: :kissing_heart: :two_hearts: :pray: