You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Oh Joost, I’m so sorry sweetie. You’ve been through so much, I wish I was there to help you. Do your best each day to take care; I’ve (we’ve) missed you here, thank you for letting us know.
Omg, my heart hurts for you…:heart::pensive::pray:

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It’s good to hear from you Joost. I was worried about you. You’ve got too much on you’re plate right now and also had to deal with a lot in the past. I wish you calm waters.
Like Lisa07 said: focus on you now :heart:
If you wanna vent in Dutch you can always pm me. Take care.


Jesus christ man when can a person just catch a break. unfortunately life ain’t gonna always play by our rules so we just have to hold on and ride it out. Proud your still sober, at least I think you are as it was a lot to take in, and it’s good to hear from you. Remember next time we’re not just here to help you with recovery we’re here to help each other with life…


That’s a huge pile of shite Joost. Glad to hear from you. Glad you’re sharing. Taking care of you is what you need to do. One of these caring things is working on staying connected. Well you know. I know how hard it can be and how hard it can get. Glad to have you back. Please do your best to stay connected Joost. Love to you friend


Wow, fuck that dog owner, Nala didn’t do anything wrong except for protecting you. You have a great dog and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
As I told you before, I’m always here for you and if it’s necessary, I have no problem cycling to your home to talk face to face if I have the time


Stick around on here as well mate. It really does help.


Wow man, sounds shit.
This will pass and be a distant memory. Hold in there.
Remember that we are here. I know it’s easy to forget that.
Take care Joost.


So sorry to hear this my friend Joost, Was hoping all was going well… All this unnecessary bullshit you don’t need in your life as your healing n rebuilding. Wishing you all the best n that you continue to find your strength to move forward. Knowing better days are ahead…I’m not on here much , recovering from back surgery. N have been transferred to acute intense rehab facility. Staying positive n thankful for each day…Again, all the best my friend. :seedling:

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What happened to Pants? I noticed he deleted his account. I’ll miss you Gareth!


Yes, he asked to be deleted. :neutral_face:

Edited…he asked to be anonymized, not deleted.


When did that happen? I feel like he was just here


5 or 6 days ago.

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I know I’ve called on you before, but know you’re both missed @Mtrav0040 and @GVLNative :two_hearts:


@VSue, I think you’ve stepped back from TS before, you ok now?


Kyle just checked in with 90 days. He said he’s been really busy in his personal life.


Oh my goodness…thanks for checking in on me.

I’m doing great. I’m just not feeling the need to focus on recovery all the time. But I do try to pop in so I can give support to the new and struggling members.



It’s great when sobriety just becomes a way of life for us!


You’re right Sassy, it’s not deleted. I did see his account go to anon on one of the threads. I only knew it was him because someone responded using his real name.

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Thanks Salty. I’m alive. Not doing great with sobriety and so I haven’t been posting but I’m still reading a little every day. Haven’t wanted it at all lately.


Sorry to hear you’re struggling. You and your posts are missed, sober or not. You’re still a very valuable member of this forum. Glad you’re still reading. Come back when you’re ready. Thinking of you!