You are missed #2 (Part 1)

All is well with me Derek, thanks for thinking about me - 1, 238 days sober today :blush:. Hope you and the family are well.

Life’s pretty busy but in a good way, I left my AA group because of a few uncomfortable incidents with a member decided he needed it more than me but still working my own program and talking to my sponsor and other group friends.

Partner is semi living with me now since lockdown, he stopped drinking in the new year so we’re a sober house now which I love and it was his choice. Living together has taken a bit of adjustment but it’s going well and my dogs are just loving me being at home all the time and not travelling so much, so am I being honest.

Used lockdown to get my fitness back up so shed 28 llbs and feeling good and I know it’s all only this way because I got sober. Still the best decision I ever made.

I’ve avoided here intentionally as some events got under my skin so just needed to set a boundary or two for myself. Will try and visit more often :slightly_smiling_face:.


Love to you Autumn, hope the family all well :heart:


@TeejLazer how you doing man. Ifeel like it’s been a lil bit? Hope you killing those workouts and playing your tunes.


Still killllllllling it!

441 days today. Hit a 225# front squat PR yesterday, and the new band just had our shirts show up, and we’re going over album artwork.

Things are moving along pretty well!

Hope things are going well for you as well l.
Have a strong day!!!


@Becsta are you around? Maybe you’re just busy and maybe I’m spelling your name wrong! But I hope all is well in your world.

@Hopeful777 I also hope you are doing well! And enjoying your new job and all good things in life :orange_heart:


Becsta has left the forum. She is strong in her sobriety and has good support system. I believe she was wanting less screen time. She will be missed.


Good on her.
She will be missed.
Becsta was cool.


Oh good, I’m glad to hear she is well. If I recall, she also had a lot of demands on her plate, so doesn’t need to add screen time and responding to “hey are you ok?” posts to her list! She was super supportive when I could count my days on one hand… :orange_heart:

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Jenna is taking a break I understand.

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She didn’t say anything.
She will be missed

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I know you got to do you. And that’s great!! Glad your still sober. But I still want those kitten pics :smile_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

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Hell yeah, that’s awesome man. Congrats. Glad to hear your still rocking with the band too. All is still going well over here. Hope you have a strong day too💪

@Butterflymoonwoman hey there, haven’t seen you checking in with your awesome daily intentions. Hope you’re well.


@NDFive missing seeing you around here, spreading the love. Hope to see you back soon.


@BetterVersion hope you’re still truckin


She was indeed cool. She was a hot mess when she joined, then to watch the sobriety happen and stick… it was miraculous.


@DungeonMaster… I’m missing your mind blowing random thoughts lately.


@Charlie_C - I hope things are going well and you’re enjoying your grandson!


@slim.shieldsy hope you’re doing well


Hi! Hope your doing well :slight_smile: thanks for thinking of me. It feels good to be noticed and thought of :smiley: