You are missed #2 (Part 1)

I’m so sorry to hear this about your mom. I know exactly how you feel. It’s so hard to helplessly sit by and watch and care for her the best you can. My mom was the bread winner, Rock, of our family with a disabled husband. She was always in charge. Then Alzheimer’s/dementia took a hold and it was the saddest thing in my life to see. I’ll keep her and you in my prayers. Be kind to yourself and make time for yourself. And be grateful you can be there for her.


Hi all I’m still here, just needed a little break after 12 months of ts, I will be bk in the new year missed everybody loads


@Tink where oh where did you go? It has been awhile. Hope you are doing ok.

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Awww, thinking about you Jen and sending you strength and hope for easier times ahead. I know something about that walk, and it’s not an easy one.
Take good care. :orange_heart:


Thank you :yellow_heart:

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@Cricket89 you still around? Got any good food pics? :yum:

Good to see you Em! Glad you’re ok. Been worrying about you guys over in the UK

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@ChristopherX hope you are doing good. Haven’t seen you around in a while. Happy New year :confetti_ball:


Not sure if you are still around, but was thinking about that time you installed a new oven yourself so here i am.
Hope you’ve been well.
Rock on, champion


Mick… Doing okay?


Anyone heard from Kevin recently? @anon86726034 - hope you’re well brother


I’m OK @Matt

Great to hear from you lifes been abit up n down but I’m here I’m clean and life is OK, I’m OK with OK, still hitting my meetings got such great lifelong friends outta it. Xx just like I have on ts.


@Just_Laura Laura how are you?

Still missing @Kels. I hope she’s ok. I feel a connection to her because my Dad is a maritimer too (also Nova Scotia).


Speaking of Kevins - @KevinesKay, are you around? Hope you’re ok brother :innocent:


@Lisa07 and @M-be-free49 Thank you for checking in. I’m having some health problems and life issues, and so I’m not online much right now, but I appreciate you both checking in. :slight_smile: I will come back when some things are cleared up. May you both have a better year in 2021 than you have had in 2020.


It makes me happy to hear you’re attending to your own needs. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a much better 2021!! :kissing_heart:


Oh good to hear from you! But never any pressure or judgment from me to show up here - I just send you my best for good health and an easier time of life in 2021. :relaxed: :orange_heart:


@Kmills888 I have been thinking about you all day.

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Sober New Year!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Oh it’s so good to see you, friend! Happy sober new year!
How are you doing? I feel like I haven’t seen you around much, but that may be because I haven’t been around as much?