You are missed #2 (Part 1)

She says she’s doing good

Anyone talk to beardy? I was thinking about him the other day and the wife and baby on the way. Figured I would post here in case he checks the forum but doesn’t log in. Hope you all are doing good and your still fighting the fight.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Thanks! It could have been much worse. I was quite sick for about 2 weeks. Slept 15 hours a day. Missed work. I’m trying now to catch up at work but still get really tired every now and then. I don’t have as much time as I used to to check in here. Hopefully that will change in the next few weeks.


I’m sure she is, that’s good


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, but after a long battle with google, I mean I showed them my Drivers license and everything, they finally let me in,

I was quite disappointed about the idea of starting over, but my google account also has a ton of important documents in it, that had me sweating as well


Have not seen @Cwell lately. Maybe just missed it. Hope you are good!

Bye for now…


I saw him this morning JB.


Hey guys!, @JB.5280, I’m doing good. Was a little bit under the weather and getting my affairs in order before I have my implant,how have you been


Thanks for the reply I had not seen any posts from you I must have just missed it and @Mno told me you had been here just that morning, so great! I’m doing good thanks man have a great day!

Bye for now…

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Glad to hear it brother!, you have a great day too! And thanks for the support!!..stay strong, stay positive and keep the faith :grinning::100::pray:t5:


@BOBISGONE1 Missing your check ins! Hope you’re doing well!
And my old sobertwin @Anglesea :heart:


Hi Eric :purple_heart: How have you been? I am doing better now, things seem to be improving somewhat over here.

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How are you @DrkniteNZ? Haven’t seen you around Lance. Hope you’re good.


@WCan How are you?


@Rockstar24777 How are you doing? Long time no see you here.


Slowly heading back… My medical issues are really killing me… And that’s no joke…
I have a lot to figure out but Just dont know how.
I did book a flight to @LuluJo in may so i hope my body Will let me


hey, thoughts and prayers are with you buddy. Do what you gotta do and you know where we are when you feel you need us.

Oh Joost, I sure hope you feel better. You have been through so much this year. Glad you have @LuluJo :heartpulse: Take care of yourself and keep us posted. Sending love and prayers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@TeejLazer hey! I see you poking around! I hope all is well, miss your check ins. Hope the band and lifting are going well :slight_smile: