You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Checking in here, saw you tagged me gone but never forgotten. Thank you for thinking of me


Hey! Yeah, I pop in have a look around and see what’s going on. Haven’t been posting much, just haven’t had a lot to say, or found anything I felt I could contribute to. Rolling into Day 568.

Lifting is going well. Hitting PRs, feeling stronger every day.

Music is good and bad right now. One band hasn’t done anything in a year, and we’re barely communicating. No bad blood or anything, we’ve just drifted apart a little. I’m sure once we’re back in a room together, it’ll be back to normal. My other band just released our first E.P. last month, and it’s getting a lot of press, tons of positive reviews, and our label has gotten an international distribution deal, so our stuff should be getting over to Europe soon. Things are looking good.

Hope you’re doing well, hope everyone is doing well!!!

Have a strong day!!!


Really great to hear! All will fall in place, this pandemic has been rough and has changed the entertainment industry for sure. Sobriety looks good on you kid, congrats!!

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Hey , thanks for asking, I’ve seen your message a couple of days ago but I was on the go all week. I guess it’s going better. Being busy help, but I do work on my thoughts and mood a lot too. Counseling every week and reading a lot. Plus talking a lot too. Just realized today is 150 day sober for me, so I guess it’s good. But the thoughts of drinking are never that far. I still hate it. It’s annoying.

Hope you’re feeling better? How you’ve been? I totally lost track of the checking in thread, I can’t keep up with an hour of reading on the thread anymore. So I just pop in to check the new threads trending and when I am craving. Hope your good!


I’m okay. Working on some things (such as life), but getting through it. Still sober. I don’t think about drinking (thankfully). Thank you for thinking about me.


@Figgie long time no see…miss hearing about knitting projects and books you’re writing. Hope you’re well.


Mitch @Mtrav0040
First off, thank you for reaching out. It is comforting to know there are friends in the good fight alongside you. I apologize for it taking so long to respond, but believe it or not work has been extremely busy recently. I have been very busy in general and do not have a lot of extra time.

I am proud to report that yesterday was 270 days sober for me. I am very ready for my 1 year anniversary in May. I am still a Patron for Talking Sober because it is the one thing that helped me climb out of the hole I was in and I hope my small contribution helps others.

I’ve recently been recalling instances that occurred while I was using. Whether the trigger is a location, a song, a smell, etc. I’ve been working through past instances mentally. I believe it is a key part of the healing process.

Either way, I’ve found an inner peace that I never thought I could achieve.

Sorry for rambling…
I hope you and all of the other wonderful folks on TS are doing well!!!


This is so awesome to hear!!!


This makes me so happy!!

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Great to see you, bud! I think of you every time I open my jar of grillé foncé peanut butter :rofl: :hugs:

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Really happy to hear your strength and perseverance, Kyle. Proud of you, man!


I love it!!!
I still need to get a jar to try.

Beurre d’arachide Jif® crémeux Grillé foncé

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No Jif… gotta get the 100% Natural Adams dark roast crunchy :slight_smile:


Great to see you here Kyle. And just as great to see you doing so well.

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I’m glad you’re doing better! Congrats on your sober days! I also have thoughts of drinking, they appear so quick and strong, just out of nowhere. It sucks and it’s pretty exhausting not to make any mistakes.

Thanks, I’m feeling a lot better these days, maybe it’s the first time in many years for me to feel ‘normal’. I mean in the past I just drank and afterwards in sobriety I was so overwhelmed by my problems, that I couldn’t see clear, my days were spent in an emotional chaos. And now in the last few days I’m just having a normal life and when I do something distracting it’s not a desperate attempt to fake a normal life till I make it, and to avoid slipping back to depression and tilting at windmills, I’m just having normal days with normal ups and normal downs and it feels really good. It may change in a day or week or month, and obviously my problems still exist and flourish, but for the time being I’m ok.

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Stella, good to see you are still here and doing well!!!
Thanks for the well kind words.
P.S. - I am a Capricorn as well :smile:



Awesome to see you doing well!

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Thank you @Dan531, and hopefully you are as well :+1:

Hey @Danielasharkasy. Haven’t seen you posting in some weeks. Hope you’re doing okay. :sunflower:

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@Maverick936 missing you; hope you’re ok buddy :slightly_smiling_face: