You are missed #3

Hi Donna, you prompted me to remember that when I was drinking really heavy, one hangover symptom was sore hips after binges. Humility is a good thing for me, and remembering self-inflicted, though unintended, harm contributes to it.


@Thirdmonkey I miss you too


Did you move back north Donna?!?!


I am around a little bit each day. My sober life has become full and abundant, so my time is limited here. The new grandson tends to take up my free time.

Thank you for thinking of me!


I did. It was the right choice for me. Lots of factors went into the decision.
The drivers are aggressive up here!


I’m glad it was the best decision for you and hope things work out great for you there! :heartpulse:


@Thirdmonkey Nice to see you here!!! So glad and happy that everything is going well! Enjoy your grandson!!!


I’m so very sorry Jaz. I haven’t been coping very well, and you know that when times get tough I tend to retract. I have tried so hard not to do that, but my introversion is a really big problem.

I am so overwhelmed at home. You know about my eldest, I’m in A&E with him at least once a week. Paying through the nose for private appointments to try to get to the bottom of it. My youngest is costing us a fortune in supports for his hyperlexia. He needs so much support now. I’m helping my second eldest with his accountancy work for Uni, and trying to help him to not feel left out because my other three need me so much. My husband and I are struggling to hold it all together to be honest.

Remember a while back when I said I didn’t feel like talking because it would bring everyone down… ? It’s still the case. I just don’t know where to start at times.

I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch. I did uninstall the app for a while. I love this site, and everyone in it. I need better anxiety treatment than the last thing I mentioned, Sertraline doesn’t even scratch the surface. I need stronger anxiety focused medication, or I don’t stand a chance to stay completely teetotal.

I’m going to make an appointment with my doctor again, and I’ll put my foot down and ask for better medication. I just don’t know what to ask for, but I think I need to be specific. I feel like doctors play it too careful to be helpful at times.

In the meantime, I look forward to starting a new 100 day challenge with you :slightly_smiling_face:

Sending lots, and lots of love you Jaz, and to you all :heart:


Always time for a 100 day challenge. Keep reaching out and share your frustration.


Oh Binx - my heart jumped a beat seeing a message from you today. So good to hear from you. I am very sorry that you are not doing well and are overwhelmed with so many life issues. You certainly have a lot on your plate and i am sorry that you still have not figured out what is causing the issues with your eldest son.

Please do not feel like you would bring anyone down. This community is not only by your side during the good times. We stand together through the shit storms too. Unload your worries here. We are a mass group so we can shoulder the burden.

I wish i knew more about anxiety meds so that i could tell you what to ask for from your doctor. Hopefully someone else here has had better experience with anxiety medications that they could recommend you look into.

Please do not be a stranger - we are here for you. And as always, we can chat in PM if you prefer. Can’t express how good it is to see you on the site. :people_hugging:

Would be absolutely thrilled to have you on the 100 day challenge! You truly have been missed.



Despite it all, a day doesn’t go by without thinking of you and my TS family :heart:

Many years ago I was on Xanax to help me cope with anxiety, but I’ve moved to a new area and signed up to a very young doctor. I think I need more than Xanax to combat this. He seems very cautious, and I’m getting frustrated to be honest. I’m still not driving more than 2-3 miles. I’m crippled with it Jaz :pensive:

l will be back at full strength soon, I just need proper medication. My deepest wish is to be on a new challenge with you all :slightly_smiling_face::heart:


Thank you for this, but I promise you I still have this saved in my phone. I’m doing it soon. I appreciate you posting this :slightly_smiling_face:


oh man – that sucks that this doctor is so cautious. I know that can be frustrating. I do hope you are able to get proper medications soon. I am sorry you are still feeling so anxious that it’s keeping you from driving. :broken_heart:

YES - i have faith that you will get your full strength back. Don’t lose hope my friend :pray:

Along with the 100 day challenge – join us for Sober october 2023 aka Oct-sober

We would love to see you on both challenge threads :hugs:


You have this way about you that I love, anything is possible :blush:

On the way to sober October x


thanks love — anything is possible :hugs: we are stronger together so remember to lean on us! we are here for you

yeah – i’m excited to be on two challenges with you :muscle:


@Binx see you here and count on my poor prayers for all the difficult situations that you are in


I appreciate you, and thank you for your kind words as always Thomas :people_hugging:


@Binx you are welcome :hugs:. I hope today everything goes better :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:


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