Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

@sasxoxo love those nails!! And purple :heart: my fav – have a blast decorating this weekend.

@julialuna So excited to see you embrace sobriety and all its benefits. Thank you for the documentary – I had not seen it and will add to my must watch list

I love this for you! Grateful that you were able to spend the evening and today doing what was right for you and not having to explain yourself to anyone. :hugs:

Oh Eric – this made me cry a bit for you – I do hope that the meetings, your possible search for a sponsor, your heart to heart talks with Kelly – that all this somehow helps lessen the sadness you are feeling. You do have so much to live for and would like you to do so peacefully and with a light heart. We are here to listen whenever you need a shoulder – wish I could offer more support. I am so sorry the monster is still possessing Kelly but I do have faith that you will find happiness in your surroundings :heart:

@hidden glad to see you on the Gratitude thread – hope to see more of you here – this practice has really helped me stay positive and connected with my inner self.

@m-be-free49 thank goodness that the mini winter receded – way too early. I too love pretty things and the word fuck! LOL – love that mug :heart:


Now THOSE are excellent nails!! I wouldn’t want to do anything in case I were to damage them. I love them!!


What a precious white kitten. Fantastic name!!! So happy you found each other!!


I’m grateful for the darnedest things. Like not getting that dinner she was gonna cook last night. After all my codependent bullshit about making it after lunch. :rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m grateful when I got home I was just like. OK :man_shrugging: I’m grateful I made a nice late dinner. I’m grateful I enjoyed it and wasn’t passed out.

I’m grateful I didn’t lock Mavy in the pantry last night. :scream_cat:. Poor guy.
I’m grateful I didn’t spill wine on the carpet last night. Red of course.
I’m grateful I can be a little pissy if I want to :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful Benson and Percy got along nicely this morning. I’m grateful for the chat with my Al-Anon friend and neighbor.

I grateful for the red cardinal drinking from my pool.
Grateful I got in 2 walks and a reformer workout 2 days in a row.
I’m grateful I know I can’t do that when I’m going out to lunch.
Grateful for my cats on deck.
Grateful for the birdsong.
Grateful for my view.
Grateful I’m planning on cooking dinner tonight.
I’m grateful I didn’t storm off to a meeting at 1 today.
I’m grateful we are all sitting on the deck being civil and having nice conversation. Well Benson and the cats aren’t conversing much but they are being civil too.
Grateful there’s another speaker meeting Wednesday at 10. Al-Anon speaker. I’m grateful I’m looking forward to it.
Grateful to be able to get gratitude in, even though it’s later in the day which is not not my usual routine.
Grateful for memes.
Grateful for humor.
Especially recovery humor.
Especially sick burns about recovery humor.
Grateful for y’all.

DPsayings .com :man_shrugging:


Fuck routine @Dazercat we can practice gratitude when we wanna.

Im spacey today and missed my morning gratitude soooo no better time than the present.

Im greatful im done with my errands and expectations for the day and i get a few hours of unscheduled time to take it easy. Routine is good to a point

Im greatful for 2 days to take a break from work and try to get my mind right.

Im greatful my dogson doesnt look haggard anymore. Check him out on the pets thread.

Im greatful for crockpot meals

Im greatful im a planner but i need to take a breath and not try to control the order of my day when i dont have to

Im greatful ive identified im living in the shouldas. Should do this. Shoulda said this. Im greatful i just realized thats me living in the future or past and not in the now.

Im greatful i will be doing the topic for the dual recovery group next week.

Im greatful. Im so greatful.


Grateful you checked in Binx

I read your posts.
Your struggle sounds overwhelmingly difficult.
I cannot imagine.

I started here on the gratitude thread because it was just a place for me to put out my thoughts just as gratitude. Long, short, sometimes I write a novel, sometimes I get too personal. Or sometimes I just try to be funny. Whatever. I think of this thread as a one way street for me. If I want to engage. Fine. If I don’t I know all the grateful people here understand that. But the thing is I always feel better after I leave this thread.

I hope you get to sort things out.
Hope to see you around when your comfortable.
Big hugs to you :people_hugging::heart:


I’m grateful I live 500 miles away from my family.


Your words are always so soothing and reassuring Eric. Like a warm hug : ) While I am here, I will drop in a little gratitude :heart:

I am grateful for you, and I am grateful for everyone in this community. The people here are the backbone of my sobriety, ever present, unwaivering support. I feel like my sobriety is almost under constant threat, but TS is my safe place.

While there is currently a lot of stress around this, I am grateful that we have found a new home to purchase. If all goes well, we could be in our new home by Christmas, or shortly after.

I am grateful for my husband and children. Yesterday my husband booked a Halloween outing for them, and when they found out they were going again, their eyes lit up. They have so much fun at this place. It’s wonderful to see that despite a lot of stress around at the moment, that our kids are having a nice childhood and they are happy little things. I’m am truly blessed :heart:


It was a beautiful wedding and we all had a lovely time.

In the evening, my sister shared with me that she is starting her sober journey too.

My siblings and I grew up in a very abusive and unhealthy home. We grew up and got out and made amazing lives. And we all became involved with way too much alcohol.

And now all 3 of us are in our recovery journey. In our 50s, and we are working in getting better. I love my sister so much. She is one of my favorite people in my life. So I’m so happy to see her learning about this with me.

I wish you all peace.


Gonna try a pre and post workout gratitude today…

Pre workout:

Greatful for…

My sobriety, 525.25 days
Love my numbers
Our love and growing communication
Boscoe his royal highness
Looking forward to a good run
A day to rest and relax only appointment is the gym and a fancy dinner for hubbys birthday


I’m struggling big time with gratitude this morning my friends so I went over here.

Love you guys.


Grateful for your attitude and spice of life Billy.

But chocolate hummus :face_vomiting:

But I did find and “everything bagel seasoned” hummus. I just posted it the other day on the foodie thread. That’s what I’m talking about!

Love you buddy.


@binx lovely to see you on the Gratitude thread. So grateful to see you back with us on the TS site. Congrats on the new home – hope everything goes smoothly! Yeah to having a Halloween night out with the kids – so many beautiful memories :heart:
@lab OMG how beautiful that all three of you will be on a sober journey together and find new bonds in your sobriety. This was so beautiful to read! :hugs:
@cjp love those numbers CJ !! Boscoe looking so cute with his fresh haircut – hope you and hubby have a wonderful time celebrating today :heart:
@dazercat Oh friend – thank you for sharing your gratitude’s with lovely pictures. I am sending you so much love and comfort today – I do wish that you are able to find peace within yourself to deal with the addict in your life. I can’t even imagine all that you go through daily with setting boundaries and having to second guess yourself on those boundaries. You are right – You have done nothing wrong. I am sorry my friend. I do hope you are able to find a Al Anon sponsor for nothing more than to have someone in real life to bounce your frustrations off of. So much love for you my friend
@soberbilly Chocolate hummus :thinking: I’ve seen this but am leery of trying. I do love my hummus! So creamy and delicious :yum:

For all my beautiful friends


Post workout gratitude

Watching the leaves change
Protein shakes
Decent effort at the gym today
Feeling freer today
Papabudda @Soberbilly
My friend @JazzyS
All of you mfs who make this place a safe space for recovery


Good morning.

I am grateful that I stuck to a boundary yesterday I had made with my mom, years ago. She even got quite upset with me and shed some tears. I am grateful that even though I felt a pang of guilt, I did not back down. I am grateful that the wiser part of myself was able to sit with that people pleasing part and keep her calm reminding her of the healthy boundary. I am grateful that my mom eventually got over it and that we both had beautiful days yesterday doing different things. I am grateful for the compassion I could feel for myself and my mom in the heat of that moment. It was like I was parenting us both… I know exactly why she felt so disappointed and it was not only because of her strong co-dependance but because her people pleasing had backfired on her and cost her thanksgiving dinner with me. I am grateful for clarity.

I am grateful for the extremely busy, loooong day I had with G, his daughter and my kiddo yesterday. We went to have our tea leaves read out of town. I am grateful for humor and light hearted teasing coated in honesty. I am grateful that I drove most of the day. I am grateful that G just finished a 4 week job out of town and decided to treat us all. I am grateful that the kids (26&18) connected on the long drive. And I am grateful that the special ring that I made for G’s daugher fit her perfectly and that she loves it. :heart:

I am grateful for the beautiful weather and the gorgeous skies. I am grateful that they make me feel connected to people that I love no matter how far away they are. I am grateful for the days when the pain gets so bad you cant hide it anymore, when your rock bottom gets unbearable. I am grateful for those days because they are awakenings of the spirit, even though they sure dont feel like it,they are. Those are the days when we finally start to surrender, sometimes surrender again. I am grateful that we can never surrender too much, or too many times, and that everytime we surrender our hearts just become more open to God. We are able to give God more of the burden, which is none of our business to be holding. Sometimes when i think about it in relation to electrical energy it helps me. If I hold onto too much, or more of that than my body can handle my limbs blow off. Its the same for human energy that is not ours to hold… hand that shit over. I am grateful for my morbid mind.

I love you. :blue_heart: :sparkles:


I’m grateful I took time to catch up here. My evening gratitude routine got messed up lately, I always fall asleep before I even start to write :see_no_evil: I’m grateful I never forget to be grateful :pray:

I have to put this quote where I see it multiple times a day :pray:

Dear friend I feel with you. I admire your strength. Your work. And I’m a bit envious your wife listens and talks to you. Oh God how I wish my ex would have done that. I’m grateful you make me see ways to work on problems. When you’re not the only one working. I have a lot of work to do to reach forgiveness :pray:

I’m grateful I stopped doing :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: this. And that the nagging voice in my head is silent atm :pray: It was a long way detaching from it.

Early evening gratitude today.
I’m grateful I proceed in making the house organized and cozy. Little steps. I’m grateful I was ready to tackle some tasks this weekend. Organizing, reviewing routines, think a bit further what’s to do, seeking help, discussing problems with people with lots of experience. I’m grateful I have faith that everything will turn out how it’s supposed to be. I’m grateful I work on what I myself can do in the meantime.

I’m grateful I woke up well rested today. I’m grateful I fumbled around and got some chores done. I’m grateful for laughter when I startet the learning routine of the roomba again, the cats were not amused :rofl:

I’m grateful sitting on the balcony, listening to the sounds of nature is beautiful.

I’m grateful I took good care of my friend’s flowers, she’ll return tonight.

I’m grateful I start to look at the farm, not only the house. I need a lot of time to accomodate and settle. I’m grateful the way I look down from the balcony changed. I slowly and carefully start thinking. Hesitant and cautious because I fear to feel overwhelmed quickly. Again babysteps. I informed me about figs that possibly grow at this place. Just an idea I will chew on for long.

I’m grateful for freedom, peace, my wonderful house and farm, my funny lovely purring cats, for friends, homecooked food, veggis from the farmers market, all the useful stuff making life easy, for service on radio, an overcast day, for putting up candles on the balcony as the first anniversary of mum’s death is coming up.
I’m grateful I had a good weekend. ODAAT :pray:


It’s been a while since I posted some gratitude (about a week), but I’ve been enjoying reading everyone else’s.

I’m grateful I met my maid of honor for dinner Thurs night. I’m grateful no matter how long it’s been we pick up right where we left off. I think it’s been 2.5 years since our last get together. She still can’t believe hubby and I are still sober but she’s happy for us. I’m grateful she asked if she could have wine with dinner. Of course she can, it doesn’t affect me. We always split the bill and I’m grateful I turned down her offer to pay more because she drank and I didn’t. I’m grateful I don’t allow my recovery to interfere with our friendship.

I’m grateful for AA and the fellowship. More importantly, I’m grateful for the ladies only meetings. I’m grateful I can say what’s on my mind with no judgement at all.

I’m grateful for nature. My daughter had meltdowns both Friday and Saturday night when I was on my way out to a meeting. I’m also in 4th quarter hell at work. All this stress is taking a toll on me. I’m grateful I took advantage of an extra few minutes before the meeting last night and went to a scenic overlook to mediate and take in all the sights. It was only 5 minutes but that was an extremely needed 5 minutes of self care. I’m going back when the fall foliage is in full swing.

I’m grateful we’re going to attempt to go to NYC today and visit the 911 memorial. I’m grateful we’ll have family time together no matter what happens. The ferry isn’t running and the path train is shut down on weekends for repairs. We’ll drive in and pray we can find a parking garage nearby. My daughter doesn’t do well with a lot of walking. I’m grateful I have patience and I’ll do whatever I can to make this a good trip for her.

I have to run because another meltdown is starting and she’s freaking out. Ugh! Praying this is not an all day event. Hopefully, I’ll be back later for some more gratitude.


Thank you Stella, I needed to read that today :pray:


I’m not crying :sob:
You’re crying :cry:

It’s a long quote for TS but it’s worth reading many times.

I’m grateful I feel like this was meant just for me Twinnie
Love you :kissing_heart:


I am grateful to read all of these beautiful gratitudes. Im grateful to have been working overtime these past few months, it really has helped our financial situation. Grateful that this past week was really …hard and i was even kind of in a panic thinking whats wrong with me, wheres my joy, im literally living in the middle of things that used to be desperate prayer pleas but im struggling mentally and emotionally. Grateful to return to gratitide and feel the peace of expressing gratitude and sorting troubles all in one. Grateful that i found this thread in my very first months of recovery in my very first clean and sober house. Grateful for many a mornings sorting through my newly drug free mind and discovering it could be soothed here. Grateful to remember again this morning and know where to go. Even my in person homegroup…it just doesnt offer the same soul searching and clearing benefits as this does. Grateful theres something special here.
Grateful to have celebrated my newly 19 year olds birthday over the weekend. Grateful for birthday weekend blowouts. Grateful were finally getting a couch this weekend and put up loft beds for both girls already. Grateful, every moment for a home that houses just the three of us. Grateful i have figured out and am physically able to make this work. Im very grateful its not even as bad of a financial crunch as i thought it was going to be.
Grateful for the watern lantern festuval this weekend and for an exceptional plum village meditation last night. Grateful for things that feed my hungry soul. Grateful to be able to admit to myself right now that the NA group in my area just isnt doing it for me. I know that ive given NA 100% for 18 months and im grateful that there is NO HARM NO FOUL in adding perhaps some Buddhism recovery into my daily repertoire, im definitely searching for something different.
Grateful for our now TWO feline lovebugs. They have made my girls SO happy. I sure dont mind either. Grateful for all these blessings, realizations, and options that recovery and staying clean (and sober) bring.