You are missed #3

Then stop with yhe right one :wink:

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@anon53116147 The drugs are in ur system now, so u are full of bravado and “it is what I want to do right now” but later u will be full of regret and loathing, and the longer u carry on, the more regret and loathing there will be. I don’t want that for you. I know in ur heart, u don’t want that for u either. Get back to a sober life.


I look forward to do the day I want this shit out of my system again much love


That day can be today :purple_heart:


Flush it. Get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. Be kind to yourself!



Pedro, miss ya brotha. Hope all is well with you!



Get up, dust yourself off and do what needs to be done Mike.

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You already vocalized it,

Now make it come to life besides you haven’t seen my new tattoo yet


Mike you know it doesn’t actually feel better when you’re using. You’ve said it before and you know that’s not the life you want. It might feel easier sometimes and I totally get that but there’s so much good in your life that’s worth fighting to be clean and sober for. Sending you love and strength dude you can do it! I hope you’ll come back soon.


Look man. I don’t follow you too closely but here’s a few things.

Fuck off with the drugs. Fuck off with the drinking.

You were sober a solid amount of time. Nearly a year, maybe more? Wasn’t perfect but it never, ever will be. If it were, none of us would be here for support.

You had a kickass motorcycle. You worked for that. That’s gone now, isn’t it?
You were getting in shape lifting, that’s out the window.
Not sure where your tattooing is at, but if it ain’t gone or given up on yet - it will be, unless you cut the shit.

Perhaps most importantly, you have two beautiful little girls. Keep getting fucked up? You’ll lose them, too. That sound like a good trade to you?

I apologize if this is harsh, but for the sake of full transparency - you’re one of the people here who frustrate the absolute fuck out of me, and not specifically because of the relapses. It’s the resignation to defeat that gets on my ass. I ignored you for a long time because of it, and because I was that person a decade ago. It reminds me of old me. But I’m not able to be silent anymore because you are capable of so much more than just fucking giving up. I recognized the feelings of frustration I have with you as a need to actually say something.

So get the hell back up, find a bit of belief in yourself, and fucking get it done. Try. The life you want is there but you have to work for it.
So: are you going to fight for it, or are you gonna keep taking this ride until you’ve nothing left but a box to be buried in?
That’s a challenge from me to you. Your call.


I dont know the situation but I do know that “Our addictions want to kill us and they don’t care how they do it” This shit is as real as anything in life can get. I consider ourselves Warriors in a real battle. @anon53116147 I dont know you but I love you as a fellow Warrior. Keep fighting !


Keep fighting. It sucks to be in that cycle, I get that 100%. I know you want better for yourself and your girls. Keep fighting and pushing thru. It will stick again as long as you keep fighting for it. Maybe meetings would help???


@anon53116147 keep fighting for you and your girls. If you’re doing coke again, please watch this video Dan posted. You can’t trust what you’re getting these days. Your dealer doesn’t care about you. Do you want to leave your beautiful girls fatherless? Make today your day one.


Thank you Jess I appreciate that very much

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Absolutely @Lisa07, cocaine cut with fentanyl is what killed my son Corey


@anon53116147 … just knowing you are using and reading what you write is painful. The article about drugs being laced with Fentanyl is so scary. When I was actively drinking I hesitated to stop because I knew that it had to be for good. SO daunting and discouraging. But, if we never have Day 1, we will never have 3, 4…100… I am hoping you decide to stop. Today. You did it before. :peace_symbol:


Saw this on another thread and thought of @anon53116147


@Nowenbrace , how’ve you been?


Ty for saying hi @Sunflower1 :blush:
Still sober and doing good for the most part, just uncomfortable with uncertainty of my path to follow through with the Tao’s plan. Also feeling childish like I’m taking the resposiblity of being the cause of people’s emotions. :unamused:
Best wishes to all for a good weekahead :hugs:


Glad to hear you are staying sober, and trying to find your path. I have faith that you will😊

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