You are missed #4

that is a brilliant idea – sending you strength my friend. Just don’t give up — you deserve a addiction free life :hugs:

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Thinking of you @Callie99 as we get close to our 3 year soberversary :tada::women_with_bunny_ears: :heart:


Yes…nearly Halloween :ghost::blush::ghost: im actually in America at the moment…travelling home on Sunday :blush::heart:


What? You’re in America and you didn’t ring us up?

I hope you’re having a great time Kiki. Can you be a little more specific. Or is this a secret op? :shushing_face:


Oh yes— I’m so excited for Halloween :jack_o_lantern::ghost::skull:…best time of year :smile:

In America? Wow how cool … hope you are enjoying your visit. Is this your first time? Any exciting adventures you wanna share? :blush:

Hopefully the weather is cooperating for you.


Sorry Eric i missed this reply before :heart: It was a flying visit and I’m back in the UK now. I was in Idaho, near Oregon, and visiting someone very special so I had no free time. I hope to be back over in the not too distant future though and will try to have a longer visit, so I can hopefully meet up with some of my TS buddies - that would be awesome :blush: I will definitely let you know next time I’m over! I hope you are doing well?


I’ve been over a few times before, i have family in Washington and have travelled down the west coast before. I had the best visit ever but didn’t really get out to explore much :sweat_smile: hopefully I can next time I’m over. I really like it in America…I think I’d like to make the move over in the future!!! :blush:


Oh how lovely…glad you had a good visit. Hopefully jet lag is wearing off now for you :pray:t4:

Lol…that’s funny cause I’m thinking of heading to your neck of the woods in the future :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:… We could move and balance the scales :joy:

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@JayP How are you doing friend?


How are you ladies doing?


@KarenKW Hey lady! How are you? Havent seen you post in a bit :slight_smile: