@Mindofsobermike omg guys my heart just smiled! Popped on here randomly and love love love seeing this. I’m well! Still sober, working a lot, just got engaged in France over the weekend! How are you both doing?
Congratulations Emilie so happy to hear from you.
How wonderful!! Congratulations to you both .
Great to see you thriving in recovery
Well, hey! That’s fantastic Emilie!
Thanks very much @One4theroad and @Mno life is good. I appoligize that you needed to reach me this way. I do think of this place almost daily as its been a big part of my recovery and life for just over 5 years now. Actually I am very close to another milestone in part thanks to many here. On the 7th of February this Friday I will be two years clean, sober and gambling free. Thanks to God the twelve steps, and healthy connections.
p.s. If you are reading this you are amazing. Ya you!!
No need for justification it’s great to hear that you are doing well. Looking forward seeing you here on your big milestone.
Omg! I’m so happy for you Emilie! You’re gleaming as much as that beautiful ring of yours.
This is the first post I read this morning and what a great start to my day.
Congratulations to you both!
@wahtisnormal how are you doing?
Congratulations girl. Super proud of you and so glad to hear from you. How is the Evo doing? Picked up a new sport myself, hit my one year at work today and coming up on 15 months of sobriety and have found an amazing girlfriend. My two girls are doing amazing and growing so fast.
Doing alright overall, thanks for checking in! Still sober just usual life stuff like working a lot. I signed up for a marathon in may so I’m looking forward to that! How are you doing?
Great to hear from you Zoe. Glad to hear that you are maintaining your sobriety. WOW - a marathon? That is awesome friend. Have fun training and at the event
Doing well and hanging in there - just ODAAT
@Lighter Thinking about you… What’s going on?
Hi, all is well. Keeping very busy. Thanks for thinking of me!
Hope you’re well @C_8
Hello @Dazercat Im still sober. Im still here.
It’s a relief to hear that!
Hi @Salty All is good here, thank you for checking in! Moved from VA to Myrtle Beach a week ago, so surrounded by boxes, but loving the change so far. I’m going to have to be on my guard though as the drinking culture in this over 55 community seems intense ODAAT, right?!. Hope all is well with you. Is kiddo still into lego?
Hey Sis! It’s great to see your avatar pop up. Miss you around this neck of the woods. Wow! A move to Myrtle Beach sounds heavenly. Keep your guard up and know we’re always here if you need some support. Lots of love sent your way.
@Philipwithonel hey out there. How are you doing?
Thanks for checking in on me. Been having some struggles but closer to being on the mend