You can do this - I promise

Four years ago today i woke up the same way I had for 20 years - with that godawful sinking feeling about how much of a mess i was the night before, with that taste in my mouth…you know the one. Every morning. That low level depression. I’m such a useless human being. Why can’t I just be like everybody else. I’m such an embarrassment. I wont do it again tonight…I’m going to stop.

By 1pm, I’d already caved and bought 2 bottles of red wine. By 5pm, i went back up to the off-licence and got 2 more. At 10.30pm, after drinking those too, I realised I’d missed the cut-off time for buying more (I’m in Ireland, you can’t purchase alcohol after 10pm). I was completely hysterical about it. It was just so unfair. Life was so unfair. Everything is so hard. Everything is too much.

By 3am…the 18th July 2019…I downloaded this app.

And I didn’t know if id already killed who I was, if I had drowned her over the last 20 years in red wine and whisky and tears. And i was absolutely terrified of everything; of what it meant to say you’re an alcoholic, of what it meant to be one of those sober people, of the damage I’d already done. And those little circles of 1day and 1week seemed completely impossible…and everything was just so completely overwhelming.

If you’re there now…in that place…where you’re holding on by your fingernails and the whole world is just too much - I want you to know i woke up this morning and that app says 4years.

Im not going to start spouting inspirational crap. You and i both know it wont work. Theres no amount of quotes or phrases that will wave a wand and get you through this. But what i know is absolutely true -100% guaranteed- is that you have what it takes to fix this. You can, and you will, do this. In those hopeless moments, you can’t trust your mind - it lies to you and tells you its all pointless because its an addict and it doesn’t want to lose you. Its a parasite and it needs to keep you half alive to feed it.

You are perfect. And the whole world, with all its incredible and extraordinary beauty, is just waiting for you to embrace it. It’s all there…its all yours.

Dont stop. If you fall, get up immediately. Dont let it take hold. All those thoughts, how impossible it seems, how dark it gets…its all a big lie by the addict living inside your head to convince you to give up and cave in.

Your real life is right around the corner - and if no-one has told you today: I’m so proud of you.


Love this.
Thank you


Congratulations on four years! Thank you for this post. You are an inspiration to me. I hope you celebrate this massive milestone, well done :clap:t2::clap:t2::pray:t2::two_hearts: god bless :two_hearts:


This gave me a lump in my throat… 10 months ago that was me…id spent the previous night in hospital in a drink induced pyschosis after id been in my bathroom with the window open screaming over and over at the top of my lungs and all my neighbours heard…apparently i was screaming “help me” but knowone knew why…it was because i was addicted to alcohol and couldnt see a way out… my body and mind had been ravaged by it for years and i was at my wits end…but there is a way out and im so grateful to now be 10 months sober :blush: yes it can be done.

Your post is beautifully written and i want to say thank you for it…congratulations on your 4 years, you are an inspiration :heart:


I really like the way you said this, thank you! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Congratulations on those well deserved 4 years of living a better life! :confetti_ball:


Just for reference…4 years is a long time and I’ve changed phone twice since then. In July of 2019, after downloading the app, I created an account and joined the community area of the app, posting maybe 2 or 3 times (pretty sure if you were inclined to go back that far, you’ll find me there as Lucy/Waterdog or combination of that). After changing phones, I always re-download the app, and re-enter my sober date to keep my eye on my progress…but never logged back into the community section as i felt I wasn’t in a place to help others - and I didn’t necessarily require the support of others on my journey.

I attempted to log in this morning because I felt at 4 years, I could be confident I was in a position to say I had fully recovered from alcohol (it genuinely took me this long to be sure i could reach out and offer support without triggering my own addiction)…but alas, I had no idea what credentials i used back then, because i was a drunken mess at 3am when I joined. So, i rejoined today with new email, etc…and so I only have 1 or 2 days listed on my profile.

Its completely okay to question my 2 day profile life - I think i would too; so please dont think i would take offence for asking about it. I’d have been delighted to log back in with my original details as it would have been awesome to see how far I’d come…but as said, I was such a mess, I may well have created a new email specifically to join the community section, I honesty don’t remember. I think I would have relied on my phone autologging in.

I think its really important to keep yourself as a priority and even though I’ve wanted to offer support and motivation over the last couple of years, i was conscious of putting myself in a position where i would do more damage than good. I didn’t want to put myself on a sobriety pedestal, or suggest i could help anyone else, unless i was absolutely sure I had actually suceeded in kicking this awful habit. Today, at 4 years clean, I’m confident in saying, I got this.

And I just wanted to let you all know, you got this too. :heart: Anyone who is defensive or aggressive about their sobriety being questioned is still not in a good place…so again, don’t worry at all if you were slightly put off by my profile being only 2 days old, you have every right to ask. Xxx


Wow! I’m so glad you decided to post! I was exactly like that at the end days of my drinking 2.5 years ago. I hope you stick around!


I’m so grateful that you posted this. I’ve taken a screenshot of it so I can read it often.:kissing_heart:


Congratulations on your 4 years and welcome back!!!


And just cos we all like a good before and after…(and to realise, yes, we did look like an alcoholic the whole time - we weren’t kidding anyone but ourselves)

You so got this lovely people. Who you REALLY are is right there, just waiting for a chance to live. Don’t give up. Xxx



Wow, Lucy
Just wow!

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Incredible transformation!

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The 12:30 opening on a Sunday often caught me out, wandering around with a hangover :see_no_evil:
Usually if I was in one I’d be well stocked up before the 10pm closing, or too drunk to know the time.

Well done on 4 years. It must be so satisfying,


Ty much, such a beautiful post :heart::peace_symbol::yin_yang:

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Congratulations to your huge milestone!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball: