You might be an alcoholic if

When you wake up and still dont know what is expected to be so simple and easy for you to understand… It’s probably not.


I hope you are a bit better today.
Please search for help

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Most days consisted of getting booze and if i had 1 or 2 days off would reward myself with a bottle of wine

Get wasted and let my kids stay up way too late to give them a treat

Attack my partner and pack my suitcase pretty much every month and tell him how unhappy i was- but had to just pretend i had remembered the fight i started and carry on the bs cos i was still loaded in the morning…that got really fucking boring

My kids would ask me not to drink but i would promise not to have much- that was a lie :roll_eyes:

Driving drunk way too many times and potentially killing myself or someone else

Using sat to sleep and feel better only to get back on it at 4

This list could go on :rofl:


Exactly- I’m new so it made me think “wow, they used to be like me…”

  • you feel insanely tired and irritable all of the time
  • you think about alcohol every day
  • you are disappointed in yourself after a night of drinking

You run out of milk and decide to make the family’s mashed potatoes with some of your beer instead, then act surprised when the family complains about the smell/taste.

I cant take credit for this as i was only like 9 and one of the people the potatoes were served to lol.

#GenerationsOfDisfuction #BreakTheWheel


• embarrassing messages and calls
• go to a birthday party or a simple lunch with friends and think only of alcohol and not of the day to spend together


Welcome to the community!

You start buying boxed wine because it’s easier to hide in the recycling. But then you lose track of how much you are drinking, so you pour the boxed wine into a bottle every day to make sure you are “only” drinking a bottle. But because the box is there, you say “just this once” and soon you are drinking a bottle and a mysterious supplemental amount every night until you regularly find yourself waking up in a cold anxious sweat at 3am. And projectile vomiting at 6am. And repeating the process daily. So glad I have not had to experience any of that for almost 2 years and 8 months. Sobriety is amazing.


Boxed wine was a serious danger in my house. To an addict not being able to see how much is left makes it hard when you want to drink it all. Box wine nights usually meant bruises from stumbling or falling for me the next day.

Thank you for reminding me that I don’t miss that one bit. :face_vomiting::face_with_head_bandage::-1:t2:


Wow, flashbacks for real! This was so similar to my experience toward the end of my worst drinking. I was hiding my box(es), too, in a few places around the house and was reassured that there wouldn’t be accidental clinking sounds from glass or the tell tale sound of cans gathering. Not a pretty memory but lest we forget…so glad that’s long since past for me, too.


I think this is my favorite thread ever. I love reading about everyone’s experiences. They remind me why I’ve choosen the journey of sobriety.
Thank you all for sharing. You made it easier for me to stay sober today.


Door dash ordered and never eaten or taken from the front door.

Horrible blurry selfies for no reason

Using my phone as a play by play for the nights events

The SHAME!!!


You feel this sensation of euphoria come over you when you walk into the liqour store.

You drink vodka at 7:00 A.M., before you’ve even eaten any breakfast .

You can effortlessly chug an entire half pint of booze down in one swoop, as though it was iced tea.

You can’t get it up anymore, and if you can, it won’t stay.

You have to leave work early and drive yourself to the emergency room because you’re having an attack of pancreatitis…and you hope you don’t shit your pants on the way there.

You wake up the next day hoping to God you didn’t say something or do something stupid…because you were blacked out.


Oh lordy, my boxed wine shenanigans and rationalizations were breathtaking – I feel this post all the way into my poor soul. It’s frightening how reasonable these thoughts and choices seem at the time, and terrifying to realize that given the right circumstances and lack of vigilance regarding protecting my sobriety they could still be tempting.


You have drinking dreams


My wife saved me from this more than once as i tried to stumble out the door… :pensive:


Oh God, yes…i have these a lot too. It’s like re-living that experience all over again…the anxiety, guilt, shame, paranoia. I hate that.



I love hearing that this thread has helped you realize you are not the only one to do some crazy shenanigans during the wasted days of drinking. I remember making this thread years and years ago and it is so cool to see it still going. Best of luck to you all.


You know you’re an alcoholic when, in only one month’s time, you break two pairs of your glasses from falling flat on your face…on concrete.