You might be an alcoholic if

When you pass out while throwing up in the bathroom while also eating a banana wake up on the floor forget to swallow said banana and are still holding the other half of said banana


If Monday you’re picking up a tall boy on the way to work to curb your hangover until shift end

If you do that until Friday

If you’re me 5 years ago


This is so true it almost makes me sick to read

“ Because I…” insert a trauma packed childhood, learning to cope through the military and an intense dieting regime.

“Because I…” was definitely not ok

BUT now with the help of the sober team, I am.
Stay strong proud people


If a drinking binge ends in the hospital with 7 stab wounds with no clue why for several days, then get a big bottle as soon as released.


If your new years resolution is to stop drinking but you don’t actually stop until the 3rd because you were too hung over on the 1st and 2nd.


You say you are suffering depression and that is the reason you drink. When truly it happens the opposite, you drink and, because of your booze abuse, you get depress. In four words: real problem is alcohol.

From my point of view it happens this fact: the older you are the bigger are emotional hangovers, no matter how big are your physical hangover. Usually when you are young, emotional problems trends to zero.


If you go to the hairdressers half cut with a half bottle of vodka in your pocket blackout and wake up in your bed look in the mirror and see you have had your hair done and cant remember a thing ,thankfully it was a nice haircut


Throwing up black and brown vomit. But classing it as a tactical chunder and more room in my stomach to drink so continue on.

Being passed out Xmas eve on the front room floor unable to put the presents under the tree because I deserved a blow out. While my husband plays Santa and picks up the pieces.

Weird writing it out actually makes me go ‘shit I wasn’t as in control with my drinking as I thought I was’


It’s amazing what we thought was normal or a good time. Great reminders of why we press on.


Even as you celebrate another month or week or day of sobriety you know you would really still like a drink.

It is the stories of relapse that keep me away from it.

I wish you all the best.


If you leave your child sleeping in the hotel room and, since you don’t want the receptionist to know you’re drinking - yeah, as if he didn’t notice it - you walk all the way to the drugstore to buy a stash of vodka to get you through the night and the morning after.

If you end up in a hospital while on vacation all alone in the middle of a panic attack and the doctor advises you to “change your lifestyle”. Two days later, you’re drunk before you even get to the airport. Sometimes the face of that incredibly nice lady from the other hemisphere pops into my mind. Then I remember another one, that of a nice doctor in a small town a couple of hundred km from my town where I got while on a weekend trip. I think that was one of the last - if not the last - times I’ve had a drink.

When you leave in the middle of meetings, theatre plays and/or medical exams to buy yourself a bottle of vodka, because, once you start drinking, you “know” you MUST NOT find yourself without the booze.


Love this video

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One of my recurrent records. I used to believe nobody was aware of my drunk state. Very ingenious and sad.

Now, without the booze, I have started to realise part of all my big mistakes.

Let’s continue in the path of sobriety!.


When you finally muster the energy to tidy the bedroom and the bed has at least 10 empty bottles around it, along with dirty plates and old food from where you’ve just eaten and drank in bed.


You have to have a few drinks before going to your local pub to watch the football of an afternoon, because a)you are not entirely certain you’ve stopped shaking enough to hold a glass, b) you’re not sure if you made a fool out of yourself in the same pub the night before, and c)if b) is true then you may need Dutch courage to deal with anyone you may have pissed off. Absolutely ridiculous now I’ve typed it out :man_shrugging:t3:

Edit - I know it isn’t exactly horrifying in the same way as other posts, but this is exactly the kind of shit that I wish I had taken the time to consider much much sooner


Thinking and then doing 3 shots of whiskey will certainly make the 1st date go better… just before you pick her up.


If you observe two days weekend bender of your friends and family sober, then you tell them you guys suck at drinking.


Don’t know if it really fits exactly in this thread but being sober for awhile and talking to your new partner about your life and realizing you really can’t remember a good part of it because you were drunk. :unamused: Like yea, I saw that band but… Yea, I visited or travelled there but…

Yeah. Hopefully age is now my only excuse for not remembering shit. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You start drinking shots first thing in the morning to kill the hangover and shakes, but don’t stop until you are uber buzzed. Take a nap after eating. Wake up around 3pm and start taking shots again until the night ends in blackness/memory loss. (My previous life every day off.)


:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: thats it :fist_right: :fist_left: