Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

Thanks so much :pray:

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No problem :slight_smile: I wouldve let that individual respond to ur post bur i noticed it was from march 2023. So was unsure if they would even see ur question.


That’s actually a great question. “Clean house” means to deal with your own issues, clean up your own messes, “keep to your side of the” proverbial “street.” Evaluate what is positive and negative, or good and bad, in yourself and your everyday life and make adjustments in the direction of what’s best for you and others in your own perspective.

At least, there’s my description of it. Im sure there is more that could be said, and also someone else might summarize it in less words. I hope it helps, y’all.


Bumping this thread for the newbies and relapsers!
Stay sober just for today :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


I just hit 2-1/2 years and something that helped me from the very beginning was learning to mentally kick the living shit out of any trigger that comes my way. I learned this in rehab. One counselor would play some of the worst shows and movies that I have ever seen in my life that dealt with all the many issues and poor lifestyle choices that addiction brings. These shows bothered me but for some of the more hardcore addicts, these shows were devastating. There would be all kinds of wild reactions but mostly crying and anger and all the nervous ticks that cravings bring. One time he was asked why he kept torturing us and his answer was “If you can’t learn ways to conquer your triggers in a safe place like rehab then you will never succeed in the real world.” Many may not agree with this counselor’s style but it was effective and it will stick with me forever. So I guess what I’m saying is that you can’t avoid and hide from triggers your whole life. Learn to identify them for what they are, a big annoyance and when it truly comes down to it, just an excuse to accept failure. Find your strength and courage and hold on to that shit for dear life because it will take you to some amazing places.


Hey thanks for bumping the thread @erntedank I remember when i had a year and i saw this thread i thought imma post on my 2 yr soberversary :slight_smile: well life happens. Im now at 2.75yrs sober. Its amazing ive graduated from counting days to counting months to counting years. Its a blessing which i try to remain humble about because we are only guaranteed 1 day at a time and i must do something for my recovery everyday.

My advice which i learned here and has proved helpful is in early recovery dedicate what time you dedicated to your drug of choice to your recovery. Part 2 is to do something for your recovery everyday.


Ir keeps recovery at the forefront of my mind. If its hitting a meeting, praying, meditating, talking to another addict in recovery, listening to a podcast about recovery, or reading a book on it. Something. It reminds me to stay vigilant and centered.

We can recover


Wonderful advice, and congratulations on your 2.75yrs. really happy for you :people_hugging:

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Thank you for bumping, it’s very helpful. I’m still reading :slight_smile: