Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

Just for today I am listening :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thank you :relieved:

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Love this whole thread! ESP “hurt now or hurt forever”


Great thread! Gold mine for wisdom for the recovering addict!

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2854 days clean now! I am an active member of AA, and also participate in NA, as both felowwships are big in my life and local community. My #1 tool that I use every day is simple: Trust God, clean house, help others. There is a lot to it, but I live by those six words one day at a time. Thanks y’all! ODAAT YOLO


Love this :ok_hand:

See it for what it is, a toxic partner/friend that is slowly killing you and robbing you of your life.

When you get that mindest you won’t want to even think on it


47.5 days. Day by day refusing to loose sight of a better life where I don’t lose my home or kids. Making sure I shake out any sneaky thoughts. I do not want to restart my counter.


Bumping this thread especially for the newbies and relapsers.
Never stop working on your recovery :sunflower:


I’ve been sober since I got up this morning. It’s been that way for a long time.

#1 tip - Faith without works is dead and faith is essential for recovery.

When I believe that everything is gonna be alright without knowing how things will turn out and I take actions rooted in that belief, I stay sober. If I do not take actions daily, I begin the dangerous retrogression of thought and attitude. If I have not faith, I am overwhelmed by anxiety and depression because of my inability to satisfactorily control my inner and outer environment.


Protect it like it’s one of your children


6 months left and i cant write on this thread lol!


I was a heavy drinker for 20 years, many many stories of bad things happening. The only thing that worked was praying for Jesus to remove my urge to drink. After this I went from being a drunk, womanizer who listens to dark goth and metal music to reading the entire bible. I figured out I needed to pray to break generational curses as both my grandfathers died of alcoholism. I did this. I was still having thoughts some days that were depressed, anxious or suicidal. I prayed for Jesus to remove any spirit causing these thoughts and he did.

I agree with SinceIAwoke. I try to help people regularly in person or online. I am very careful about anything, I mean ANYTHING I let into my life. If it isn’t positive it isn’t part of my life. When I got into the faith I started getting hit on by very good looking women that wanted to drink. Life is spiritual and nothing is a coincidence is what I have concluded. Prayer doesn’t just keep me sober it removes any fear, any depression etc and allows me to feel joy and cheer I never had before.


A few days off 6 years

Keep yourself as busy and occupied as possible,obcess on things if you like and be as selfish as you want,your in recovery the world does revolve around you!!!


Aww @Tony1878 thanks for posting to this thread. I forgot about it! I celebrated 2 years sober on may 1st 2024 so somehow im qualified to give advice lol

My #1 tip for sobriety, get curious about it (sobriety, life, who you are sober, what you like sober…)and gather all the tools possible to use when cravings rear their ugly head and life gets lifey.

For example, tools in my sober toolbox include:
This community, talking sober
A recovery community which i choose to find in the rooms of AA
12 steps and 12 principles
Find sober friends
Save money you would have used for your DOC and spend it on living, really living life (i went to costa rica)
Healthy food
Long walks

Tools may not always work, keep cultivating tools that work


Lots of great tips here which I use. At the end of it all not picking up that first drink no matter what has kept me sober.


For me it’s remembering that overuse of alcohol was my own fault and sin borne out of what was ultimately my own selfish behavior…

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I apologize for newbie question, but can you expand on “clean house”?


And thank you to all the people who took the time to post on here to help us others out with all this great info


Cleaning house is basically about sorting through what’s unmanageable in your life and getting rid of unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors. Its about getting honest, removing defects, and making amends when necessary. Basically living life in recovery and doing the next right thing. At least thats my take on “cleaning house”.