Your Yay and Nay of the day

Yay: Got a great night sleep last night which gave me the energy to have a full productive and fulfilling day in the kitchen.

Nay: My feet hurt!


Yay…going back to work tomorrow

Nay…going back to work tomorrow…two sided coin. I work in a school so trying to.not be overly anxious re the covid numbers rising again


Yay, got my desk moved for my new position and sold a few old things (cleaning out garage) and made a fe hundred bucks.

Nay, had to do quarterly forecasting at work…bleh, but at least it is done now.


Yay: The sunset :sunrise: tonight was gorgeous. I could just sit and watch it for hours. It’s brings me such peace.

Nay: Work it’s just wicked overwhelming lately. Came back from having Thursday and Friday off last week to 300+ emails. :weary:


Yay: nice walk with my mom and doggies tonight

Nay: did not make it to the gym. One thing at a time, am I right?


Yay: Got a serious home repair done (not by me, a pro) so my bathroom won’t fall through the floor.

Nay: My poor sick ol’ Chucho dog (has a bad ticker) had a rough afternoon. It breaks my heart that his heart is breaking.


How your dog?? Mine is 15 years old and not doing good either. Ughh it’s so hard. We just lost our yorkie Teddy in July :cry:

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Yay: Was able to snap out of my emotional state from earlier in the day. Normally after that kind of a melt down I would have been a mess all day and even still tonight.

Nay: Sadness of not being able to help someone and get thru to them.


Yay: it’s Wednesday, and I worked out this morning!

Nay: I’m at work half asleep because I got up at 4:15 :sleeping:


Oh I’m so sorry about your Teddy. I know that aging and dying is part of having pets, but damn! It’s painful. Chucho’s decline happened so fast and caught us totally off guard, he’s 9 1/2 and we figured he had a lot of years left. We’ve had him since he was a tiny baby, our first fur baby! Now we have no clue how much time he has left. But I’m so glad I’m sober to deal and have whatever time I have with him fully present.

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Thank you :pray:t3: :blue_heart: yes love him up while you can.


Today was the type of day that has plenty of nay’s so I am not going to get wrapped around that.

Yay: I got some cinnamon rolls on the way home to have a treat with the family :slight_smile: I enjoy cinnamon rolls.


Me too! The little mini Cinnabon things at Taco Bell are the bomb! :joy:

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oh yes, I love those!

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Yay: I went to the gym this morning and it’s Wednesday!

Nay: I’m still bloated AF… how long does this last?!!

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Cinnamon is one of my favorite dessert flavors!

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Definitely a good one, I like Cherry too

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Yay~ Watching the country music awards :cowboy_hat_face::banjo::violin:

Nay~ It’s a toss up… works been a nightmare and I had to grocery shop tonight after work.


I don’t like doing anything after work except relaxing!

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Ugh me either :tired_face: sadly there’s always something to do. :woman_facepalming:t4: