Ha that is so much different weather in one walk! Great photos too
Used to do a lot of walking but then the winter set in and the nights were darker. not to mention frickn baltic…soon very soon will get on the bandwagon
7.5 mile hike today. Overcast and rain threatened, but cleared up early on. Then beautiful as we got up to the ridge above it before chasing behind us casting amazing shadows.
Good hike.
Oh wow that looks awesome! Glad the rain cleared up.
I live near the peak district it’s beautiful
I would love to do more walking but feel nervous going alone ( my friends have petrol legs)
20181124_134203|375x500Oh wow. I want to go to there.
The top one is Dovedale the second to are Mam Tor
I tried to go walking today at lunch…but the snow was too deep…I got super sweaty and I barely went any distance. When will it be spring???
Why are you nervous about walking alone?
I must say I enjoy walking alone. I don’t mind company but having time to spend with my own thoughts and going at my own pace has been really useful to me. I have had more than a few revelations out walking! There’s something about moving around in nature that just seems to help my mind straighten out.
Hiking club… Any advice on breaking in new walking boots? The ones I have are super comfy on the feet but my ankles on the outside of my legs are really rubbing. I tried loosening them but I think my ankles just aren’t used to having something there.
Walking in them.
Got good socks to match?
No I don’t have any proper walking socks. A worthwhile investment?
I suppose I asked for that
1000 mile approach socks are really good
Yeah. At least some added padding and, if you spend an extra dime, less friction.
Also check articles on how to properly lace hiking boots. If they’re not properly snugged at the top they’ll slide around a lot more and cause blisters (if ya don’t already, of course!).
@Eke thanks for the tips. I actually tried loosening them round the ankles so I definitely need to look up how to lace them properly In my defence of my ignorance I have never had a pair of hiking boots before, I’ve always used walking shoes or trainers.
@HailsTales will check them out!
I wear my trainers for casual day hikes. Better for building ankle strength and having the added support when needed, imho. Usually save boots/ankle support for one’s that are riskier (e.g. isolated, longer, or more challenging terrain) or if it’s just plain messy out.
Of course, still gotta break those puppies in! That’d be miserable on a long hike.