2020 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

Yesterday found me in the mountains again!
Tryfan, Glyder Fach, Glyder Fawr to devil’s kitchen. In the beautiful Snowdonia national park.
Not that we could see much yesterday.
But what an amazing day, scrambling and almost free climbing in some places.


@anon12657779 Have you and your buddies been playing with Stonehenge again?

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Love the photos Geoff :heart_eyes::muscle::+1:

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Couldn’t get over the amount of loose stuff up there. Like something just dropped a massive bucket on top of the mountain.


Went up to the Arizona Snow Bowl today. We wanted to hike it but they made us take the chair lift. Only kidding. It was our slackers hike. :joy: Another cloudless sunny day in Flagstaff.
Great time for Aspen season. A little rain in September might have been nice to make them pop. But we haven’t had rain in months. Still a nice afternoon was had. And a rare pic of my wife.

Yes I know my mask is on inside out. I’m a doofus :crazy_face:


Went for a nice walk this afternoon round some local footpaths. As mentioned earlier on another thread we were supposed to be rehoming a dog today but can’t because of Covid, so it was a bit bittersweet. Still better than drowning our sorrows in the pub!

Probably about 10 miles at a leisurely pace, stopped at a cafe for a cup of tea and then for a meal when we got near home.


So beautiful and yet God made it look so simple.
I love the colors in that last tree on the bottom.
I love it :heart:


We are so lucky to have all these great footpaths on our doorstep. Literally 5 minutes walk from our front door and we are in the woods! All feeling very autumnal now, the colours are fantastic :fallen_leaf:


Same here almost. We got a 3 and a half mile trail through the ponderosa pines right out my front door. It’s such a blessing. And no one is around this time of year up here so we kind of have it to ourselves. But like most things in America it’s huge and wide open. And the sky is always blue and cloudless. Which I bet you’d love. But every day? I mean we have no weather.

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Fat Mans Loop trail. Steep but short loop in Flagstaff. We’re going to be hurting tomorrow :grimacing:
Alligator Bark Cedar Tree. They say they’re wicked old. I’ve even read ancient. The bark does look like an alligator

lots of volcanic rock everywhere.
this is why they call it Fat Mans Loop. Cuz if you got a 4 foot girth :scream: you ain’t making it through the fat mans pass. Plenty of room :rofl:

View from the top of part of Flagstaff.
The tall building is the Purina Building our factory warehouse. Guess we’ll always have pet food near by.

Better view from the top.
Yes we got lost again :grimacing:. That makes it more fun right? But we found our way back on the trail and it was a blast. I think. See how my backsides feel tomorrow.
Sober on folks.
I am.


Another weekend?
Ah, Geoff must be in the hills.
Unable to go to Wales because it’s shut we ended up in the Long Mynde in Shropshire ( literally translates as Long Mountain!)
20 mile solo navigation up hill and down fen.
Cracking day and cracking views, once the clag cleared


Nice scramble up Kinder.


My mate was up there today, with his dogs.
Looks great.

Given the forecast for the next 10 days, good to get out whilst we can!

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@RosaCanDo Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but you asked about snowshoeing - and I like to think of it as winter hiking, so thought I’d post here? Unless I get kicked off? :laughing:

My snowshoes are MSR brand. https://www.msrgear.com/ca/shop/snowshoes
Whichever brand you go with, I’d suggest women’s over unisex or men’s - apparently we stand and walk with our feet closer together, or something like that (I’m really glad I’m not trying to make commission!) and the women’s are more comfortable by end of day. Those and a decent set of hiking poles (telescoping better than ski poles but no biggie either way) and you’re off!

Not sure there are dedicated snowshoe trails where you are, but pretty much anywhere with summer hiking trails can be used in winter - and it’s more fun if its not packed :smile:

Also good fun for the dogs - as long as it’s not too deep! When the dog girl was younger she loved it - could go for days, and if the snow was deep in spots her tail would stick up out of it like a snorkel. :laughing:

Let me know if you give it a try! We can compare trail notes :wink:


Thank you for all the awesome tips! I trip over my own feet a lot, so I think it’s safe to say I have a “narrow gait” as the site describes. I have to decide whether to commit and buy some or I hear there are a couple nature centers near here that have some to borrow. I could test them out there first…I’ll have to stew on it.

I don’t know about dedicated paths here, but I’ve seen some in parks a bit further north, and a friend here makes a habit of doing a loop at the country club regularly, which I hope to join her for this season. I suppose I could always try hers out first, too. The vision is there, excitement about the idea of it, but I’ll admit my feeling is that the snow can take its time arriving. Last year we didn’t get dumped on until late December. Decisions, decisions. We shall see…but those photos really make me want to dive right in! Gorgeous!

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This looks great. I must admit I don’t think I’d get much chance around here. We don’t really get enough snow. The Welsh mountain’s are close to me.
Ivenat seen snow shoes in shops though.
Scotland might well be the place to go for us.

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Yeah - I tried out a few pairs to see if I liked it before I bought (this is when I realized the women’s do make a difference). I don’t remember mine being as $$ as website says, but I guess I bought these ones over 5 years ago? They’ve held up though. All that said - no matter what activity, my gear has never been my limiting factor! (Trip over my own feet - yep!)

And normally I’m okay with snow coming a little later - but not too late. If it’s going to be cold out, there may as well be snow. A few years ago there wasn’t anything decent until January. Snow’s coming earlier this year here - I think I’m ok with it because other things are likely to head back into shut down mode…

…just not the trails! Phew! :orange_heart:

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I fully agree with the if it’s cold might as well be snow sentiment. And snow is ALWAYS preferable to cold and damp or rainy. I haven’t heard our long range forecast for this year, I’ll have to check it out.

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I have snowshoes too. Hubby bought them when we were dating but he never ended up using his much. I used to go constantly when I had the dogs. They’d get so excited when I’d take them out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: can’t wait for first big snowfall! Even got a pair for little guy.
Forgive me while I spam some photos from my trips on our property

Edited to add… black doggie’s tail was docked when he was given to husband. He did not have it done