2020 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

Ha cool! Such a gorgeous part of the country.

Stupid hike today. Went on the Lakeview Trail Hike up at Morman Lake.

We never did find the Lakeview Vista. I don’t know if it’s old age or we’re just stupid. But I have learned if we don’t get where we’re suppose to we can turn around and come back another time. At least we didn’t get lost.
After an hour of hiking we turned around here.

On the way back in the car I stopped for a picture of the lake.
Can you tell me what’s missing?

Just the water :scream:!! We’ll go back again and find that look out. And I can’t wait to go back again in the spring with all the snow melt. But a nice hike in the forest is always better than no hike in the forest.


Hello! So glad I came across this thread. I loved looking at all of your pictures. Here are a few from Vancouver Island (Canada). This was a day hike on a trail called the coast trail. Looking forward to seeing more pictures, hearing more stories, and sharing my own. :slight_smile: I’ve never even done an overnight hike but I am slightly obsessed with thru hiking. All of my books are either quit lit or hiking books. Next year I will get out there for a longer trip :slight_smile:


So beautiful. Our last trip before we had children was to Seattle and then we drove up to Vancouver. Beautiful country up there. Hopefully I’ll get back there again some day. I miss the rain.

Great pics guys, loving all that Nature.
I’ve found a Faceache group called Ancient Forests.
Some really great pics of nature, not just forests from all over the globe.

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Nice - it’s lovely here with lots to see! I’m hoping to take a winter trip to Tofino with my sister. Where are you from?

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Originally Boston to London to Austin to Durango to Flagstaff. Working my way west I reckon. :smile:

Got our hike on today at Inner Basin. One hell of a mountain road that wifey had to drive cuz I’m a chicken. Drove up to about 8200ft. We’re at 7000 here. Then hiked up to about 10,000ft.

After we got through the pines beautiful aspen forest awaited.

Made it this far and after more than an hour turned around. I think this was the vista we were suppose to hike to.

The ride back down wasn’t as white knuckled as the ride up since we were on the inside of the mountain road. Not hanging out the cliff side :scream:

Enjoying a sit on the deck now with a hot cuppa tea.
Not a single urge to reward myself with about 20 beers :pray::heart:


I’ve lived in Dubuque, Iowa, for over a year and a half and barely even know what is a stone’s throw from my home. This park is 10 minute drive from my house. I could come here everyday if I wanted to. The gifts of sobriety keep on coming.

The cool thing about this area is that because of the rock and bluffs, it has never been farmable, so there are native forests still present. Lots to learn about. I can’t wait to learn more.


It’s beautiful there. Same with us in Flag. Only been here just under 2 years and we are finally getting out and exploring. It is nice to do in a soberly fashion I must admit.
Enjoy the weekend.
After our hike yesterday I’m just looking forward to my steak and eggs lunch today and a lot of deck time with the kittens.

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Yesterday found me in the mountains again!
Tryfan, Glyder Fach, Glyder Fawr to devil’s kitchen. In the beautiful Snowdonia national park.
Not that we could see much yesterday.
But what an amazing day, scrambling and almost free climbing in some places.


@anon12657779 Have you and your buddies been playing with Stonehenge again?

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Love the photos Geoff :heart_eyes::muscle::+1:

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Couldn’t get over the amount of loose stuff up there. Like something just dropped a massive bucket on top of the mountain.


Went up to the Arizona Snow Bowl today. We wanted to hike it but they made us take the chair lift. Only kidding. It was our slackers hike. :joy: Another cloudless sunny day in Flagstaff.
Great time for Aspen season. A little rain in September might have been nice to make them pop. But we haven’t had rain in months. Still a nice afternoon was had. And a rare pic of my wife.

Yes I know my mask is on inside out. I’m a doofus :crazy_face:


Went for a nice walk this afternoon round some local footpaths. As mentioned earlier on another thread we were supposed to be rehoming a dog today but can’t because of Covid, so it was a bit bittersweet. Still better than drowning our sorrows in the pub!

Probably about 10 miles at a leisurely pace, stopped at a cafe for a cup of tea and then for a meal when we got near home.


So beautiful and yet God made it look so simple.
I love the colors in that last tree on the bottom.
I love it :heart:


We are so lucky to have all these great footpaths on our doorstep. Literally 5 minutes walk from our front door and we are in the woods! All feeling very autumnal now, the colours are fantastic :fallen_leaf:


Same here almost. We got a 3 and a half mile trail through the ponderosa pines right out my front door. It’s such a blessing. And no one is around this time of year up here so we kind of have it to ourselves. But like most things in America it’s huge and wide open. And the sky is always blue and cloudless. Which I bet you’d love. But every day? I mean we have no weather.

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Fat Mans Loop trail. Steep but short loop in Flagstaff. We’re going to be hurting tomorrow :grimacing:
Alligator Bark Cedar Tree. They say they’re wicked old. I’ve even read ancient. The bark does look like an alligator

lots of volcanic rock everywhere.
this is why they call it Fat Mans Loop. Cuz if you got a 4 foot girth :scream: you ain’t making it through the fat mans pass. Plenty of room :rofl:

View from the top of part of Flagstaff.
The tall building is the Purina Building our factory warehouse. Guess we’ll always have pet food near by.

Better view from the top.
Yes we got lost again :grimacing:. That makes it more fun right? But we found our way back on the trail and it was a blast. I think. See how my backsides feel tomorrow.
Sober on folks.
I am.