2021 roll call - introduce yourself!

My name is John. I started drinking alcohol at age 16 and drank more and more each year. 27 years later, I decided I had to stop. I’ve lost friends and got tired of feeling guilty after drinking too much. This forum has inspired me and helped me tons.

Been sober for 40 days so far.


My wife says she loves me still but not in love with me anymore. Says she’s already cut the cord. I feel like I want to die again but won’t because of kids. I need to leave her alone. But no where to go


So sorry to hear that Rabbit. I hope you find the support you need here and through your AA network.

I truly believe that the only constant thing in life is change. None of us know what he future holds - the only way to find out is to stick around and see what happens. Keep on keeping on, friend :pray::sparkling_heart:


My name is Tia Marni, I’m 34 & I have quit drinking alcohol. I’m 3.5 years sober from cocaine. I have been sober from alcohol 5 years, then 3 years, then 1 year. Since August 2019 I have told myself probably 100 times I am going to quit. I would get to day 4 or 5 and go back to old habits. I decided 01.01.21 was a good date to truly commit. Looking forward to connecting with others and achieving my goals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi everyone, DOC alcohol (plus codeine to a lesser extent). Managed most of 90 days sober last year (Sept onwards) and loved it, but fell off the wagon in December. Restarted again on Jan 1st (what a cliché!).
I’m really into running and trekking & mountains, but 2020 scuppered things somewhat, plus I work in healthcare, so it was a busy year at work.
Any other runners/walkers/mountaineers on here?
Take care all.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Running sober 2021

Moved the running discussion to its own thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

Howdy, I’m Randa. After nearly getting my son taken away by the state I had a huge coming to Jesus meeting with myself. It was either lose my children or get sober. The Casework and the AG tried really hard to make it hard on me and for 6 month still tried to remove my son during a global pandemic.

About 12 hours before the knocked in my door I made the choice that the day before was my last drink. There was no other option…cold turkey and a lot of tears. 345 days later here I am


That’s phenomenal so no meetings no detox nothing? That’s will power.

If there was more moms like you out there the world would be a better place


Hi, I’m Monica. I am an alcoholic. I work as a nurse. 2020 really tested me and knocked me down many times but I keep standing back up. Hope this is the year to keep standing.


Hello my name is Kelli, I am an alcoholic/addict… Today is my actual birthday and I’m proud to say that so far I am 2 days sober… Doesn’t seem like allot but considering I was drinking everynight I am glad to break the cycle again. I wanted to re-establish myself on here bc usually about 4 days in is when I go back to thinking I can handle “a glass of wine”. I know it’s never a glass lol so here I am trying to make some actual sobriety time and implementing some healthy habits! Glad to be here and very grateful for all of you!


Nice to see you back, Kelli. Stick around with us for awhile. :grinning:
The only drink you have to say no to is the first one. We are here to help you remember that.

Welcome here Kelli and a happy birthday to you!! :confetti_ball:

Hiiiii! I’m Arizona and my DOC is opioids and meth. I got clean from my opioid addiction in June 2018, it was a 10+ years addiction. I was introduced to meth after being clean for a year and have been struggling since. I tried rehab and obviously it didn’t work for me because here I am again on my 4th relapse since meeting meth. Here’s to staying clean in 2021.


My name is Faith. I Have 2years and 7 months sober. I am continuing to pray that I stay clean. Holidays are the worst. Continuing to take it 1 day at a time.


Kaeo so nice to see you back on here and congrats on two years! You’re nothing short of an inspiration to others, I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts in the past. Thanks for being here :heart:


I’ve never formally introduced myself … I go by penguin here, because, well, I love penguins :heart:
I’ve been sober from alcohol for 136 days.
Now I’m 30. My story is similar to many of yours I read here: I was a painfully shy kid and hardly had any friends … until the age of 15 when I started drinking. It seemed to be the perfect solution for my social anxiety. I started out as a shy teenager, became “partygirl” as a student and started spiralling totally out of control after a chain of traumatic events in my mid twenties. Became severly depressed and developed into a functioning alcoholic. I recognized the problem three years ago, after countless rather shortlived attempts I got sober in August 2020. I crossed a boundary I had set for myself … it was the first time I drank before work. This time, I could finally admit to myself that I have a problem. Still haven’t really talked to anyone about it, doing baby stepts towards being more open 🙋 one day at a time!


Love this… Im stealing it!


Thank you Emilie… It’s good to been seen now days. I’m glad that I still see so many familiar faces still working on sobriety and racking up some numbers…do you still have you EVO?


Hi! I’m Dana. I am from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada but am currently living im Calgary, Alberta, Canada. My most current DOC was crack cocaine but have quit a variety of other drugs over the years including meth, extacy, cocaine, and hydromorphone. I struggled with addiction for 21 years and am clean and sober for today! I am a survivor of domestic violence and of the sex trade. I came here bcuz I continue to need support since I am still new again to recovery (working on day 1). Love this forum and the people in it!


Hi, I’m Sophia from Sweden.
125 days sober today.
I’ve been here for a while my DOC was amphetamines and similar substances, and later on alcohol which is the one that has been hardest to conquer.
Had a relapse first time I was close to 100 days at day 99. Which was a hard hit for me. I’ve found so much help and support here, so I eventually got to that milestone again. And I ain’t going back. I used to be very active here but due to family issues I haven’t been on a lot lately, but I’m about to change that.

I hope y’all find this place to be just as amazing and supportive as I have. Wishing you all the best. :cherry_blossom: