2021 roll call - introduce yourself!

Hi. I’m Ponch, DOC alcohol. Sober 31 days today. This is my third real attempt in the last 7 years or so. Put together about 18 months once. I’m high functioning (don’t crash cars or get locked up), but miserable just the same. Hoping to put this behind me once and for all this time. Really like this app and forum.


Hello, back here again. Been a drinker more than half my short life but heavily and abusively in the last 7 years since my Dad passed suddenly. Today is day 3 without a drink and let me tell you the tears have not stopped. I have gotten out of my bed twice since I woke up New Years Day. I’m not sure how to face the demons when I emotionally cannot handle it. I feel like I’m losing my mind.
Anyways, rhanks. Bless to wll


Hi! I’m SoberChowda, Mark. Been sober 17 days, DOC was always alcohol. I’ve been attending meetings religiously since Dec. 20. I always thought I could handle my booze and only recently admitted I am powerless against alcohol. Though I knew it many years ago, I’ve only just come to admit I needed help and support. With me, there was no “one more and I’m done” no “I’ll pay more attention to how much I’m pouring”. This app has been great, as well as the chat…my first time posting. I’ve come to realize that I am not alone thru this and we all have different circumstances and outcomes, however, we ALL share the same thing in common and that’s addiction. With continued support, encouragement and fellowship, TOGETHER we can ALL overcome our addiction! Sober On my Friends!!


Hang in there! One day at a time. My first few days sober were rough too. I won’t say it gets easier, but surround yourself with those who will encourage and strengthen you. My AA group here in Phoenix has been a big support for me. YOU can do this!

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Hi I’m Dean 44 days clean. Doc alchohol. Just started forum today. Looking forward to meeting everyone. I live in hot springs village Arkansas USA.


Thank you!

Hi. Names Dan, i was a really heavy drinker for a very long time. I’ve been sober for 435 days. I’m not a member of a 12 step program. I use this platform and sobriety podcasts mainly for recovery tools.


Today is my day 3 as well. I thought I’d fly through it just fine, but today was the longest day ever and the urges came right on cue at 3:30pm. So I spent hours scrolling through this site and finding power in everyone’s words and kindness. I also downloaded a daily gratitude app so I can stay positive (I’m always a glass half empty person). You can do this and you now have the support here to help in any way.


Hi, I’m Mike and my DOC is alcohol. This ain’t my first time quitting well trying to quit. I have been sober since 12/31/20 and this time I’m reaching out for help any way I can to help me stop for good.


Hi :wave: I’m Jen, I will be 40 in 19 days, and I want my 40th year to be clear. DOC-alcohol. I’m married and we have two teenagers. I’ve been an at-home mom and housewife from the beginning. I discovered wine at a mom’s event that gave me the ohm I was craving. Fast forward thirteen years, and I’ve been wine o’clocking from 5pm until late hours every night. My body has suffered, my family has suffered and the regret is unbearable. It’s time. It’s day 3 for me and I am really wanting a drink. But, I know it won’t stop at just one. So I didn’t drink today.


Hi everyone, I’m Josie and not new to sobriety. DOC alcohol. I’ve had a particularly rough time mental health wise the past few years and broke my couple years of sobriety prior to that but managed to keep my head mostly above water until the last year where I’ve maxed out at a month. I’ve kind of awakened to how much damage I’m really doing to myself and my relationships so am throwing myself back into sobriety as my primary focus. I’ve been sober for the past 5 days which I’m super grateful for! As I am also grateful to have found this forum. Lovely to meet you all!


Hi Jen. Great start on three days. :clap::clap: I always loved a nice Cabernet. Not only was one drink not enough for me but neither was one bottle. Sometimes 3 bottles between my wife and I. And oh what headaches. But I’d do it again the next day.

It sounds like you have a wonderful family. My best tool in sobriety has been my gratitude list. I do one every morning on here. Gets me in a grateful frame of mind for all I have when I’m sober. We got so much to be grateful for when we are sober. I’m grateful I am always available to my kids now. Not wondering if I’m too drunk. And get this!! No more headaches :smiley:

I hope to see you around. This is a great place for support. It’s working for me.

And my bday is in 18 days :birthday:


Hi I’m gaz from England my doc was alcohol
I come from a family of drinkers
And are trying to break the curse
Nearly 4 days sober
Let’s hope 2021 Is better


Hello there.

I’m 29 years old and been drinking alcohol since I was 16-17. I think the longest sobriety has probably been around 2-3 months during this whole time and within the last few years I’ve been sober for up to a month a couple of times.

I suffer from anxiety and that’s what I’ve “medicated” with alcohol. I have a high pressure job and I’m worried that my drinking will affect it eventually… Not to mention my health.

Beer was always the drink of choice and could be anywhere from 6-12 strong pints a day. Sometimes starting early in the morning to help deal with the hungovers… Then pass out late afternoon and have some more to be able to sleep.

I was just sober for a week and then thought I “need to get one more buzz in”. Like so many times before. Hope I can do it this time!


Welcome! Being here on this forum was the only way I was able to find and sustain not just sobriety, but a path to wellness. I also self-medicated for stress and anxiety with alcohol. Turns out it’s self-sabotage instead! Hope you get as much out of this community as I have.


Hey everyone, I’m Naomi this is my first time trying sobriety. And I’m 19 years old


Welcome Naomi! Proud of you trying sober life. It’s so much for me this way. Glad you are here, lots of help available. All success lady!


Hiya, fam! I’m Rosa on the forum and would like to welcome folks who are here. I have been a member since October ‘19, when I took my first step in reaching out for some kind of tools and support for sobriety from alcohol. It took me till March of 2020 to start being active here and I managed my first month sober before deciding to drink again. A lot of ups and downs and now I have almost 4 months.

I spent several years in a dysfunctional relationship with alcohol, that old friend that I finally realized was leading me to self-destruct. I partied a lot in my 20s and in my 30s I began to use alcohol to treat anxiety and depression and fallout from trauma more and more. Turns out it’s not medicine after all. And you can party and enjoy life without it! I don’t remember the last time I laughed and sang and danced (goofily) this much with my husband and my two silly dogs! There’s always going to be tears and even anger, because that’s just part of me, but I’m so grateful to be feeling the full range of my emotional experience now and learning to cope with stress with healthier tools. I’m so grateful to the people here, we’re all in this together. Join us on the check in thread and check in everyday - that’s the one thing that has helped me to set my intention to be sober each day at a time.


Doc alcohol. Want to live the rest of my life clean if possible, so at least I have a future.


Hello… My name is Sean. My DOC is… well… was a mixture of cociane and alcohol. Very happy and proud to say Cocaine has not been apart of my life for about 2 years and some how I managed to quit smoking little over a year ago.
I’ve tried to quit drinking probably 15 times now?? I’m an honest believer that it is not how many times you fail its how many times your willing to start again. So here we go again. Bring it.