2021 roll call - introduce yourself!

Hi I’m Jay… I’m sober today. The rest feels irellevent.
If I can help I will help :v:


Hi hi :grinning: I’m apes…daily meth user since 2012… On my second stint of being clean. I’m at one month as of yesterday. Prior to that short few days relapse I had about 7 months clean… Lifes good now… I’m in a great place mentally physically and emotionally. I’ve been on TS for over a year now… This place has contributed enormouslly to my sobriety :trophy::v::heart:


Hi Kat here, sober from IV opiates 3.5 years meth pills 7 months and alcohol 3 months. Glad to meet you all lets help each other stay clean and sober!


Well helloooo! I’m Becky. I will be 7 months sober from alcohol next Saturday. I am the mother of 5, 4 adult sons and 1 pre-teen daughter. I stumbled across TS after being sober for five weeks and got tired of counting on my toes and fingers. I live amongst the cows in California (yes we have cows lol). I love my kids, my dog, and my TS community :heart: :hugs:


Hey everyone, my nickname is Otter so I go with that.

Sober 22 months and my drug of choice is Alcohol and MDMA. Recognizing my life was out of control after the judge threw the book at me brought me here. I have ZERO regrets from my past, have made amends when and wherever possible, and love this life of sobriety I have.

Welcome to any and all newcomers to a better way of life. It is rather amazing what we can accomplish when we put our selfish needs aside and focus on how to make the world better for others. I have no idea what it means to be perfect or normal, so I thrive on being weird. I love memes, sparkling water, COFFEE, my cat Miss Kloud, frisbee golf, riding my motorcycle and building fires haha

Thank you to everyone here. You all have contributed to my sobriety and kept me that way and for that alone I am eternally grateful.

I live in Northern California, in the woods and would give anything to retire. Stay safe, be healthy and I love you.


My husband (and now my son as well) share your nickname :slight_smile:


Greetings from the US. Today is my day 1 and my DOC is alcohol. Literally writing this as I nurse my hangover and try to remember the last hour of last night. I’ve been thinking about getting sober for years, I guess you could say the only time I was sober for any amount of time was when I was pregnant and nursing my son, but the habit picked back up worse once I was done with nursing. Now WFH life it’s so easy to start at 3:30 in the afternoon. I’m doing this for me and my son as I face a separation from my husband - I choose this moment to make this a good start, rather than spiraling further.


Welcome to TS!! We are excited to have you here =) enjoy the forum. It will consume lots of time and help keep you focused.
I hope to see you around!


I am Jamie and my DOC is alcohol, though I’ve struggled with harder drugs in the past. I quite all the heavy stuff when I got pregnant with my oldest son 14 years ago and since then I have gradually let alcohol get totally out of control in my life. I was a closet drunk and no one but my own therapist realized I had a problem. I’ve stopped and started drinking to many times to count, but I’m serious this time. I quit drinking and downloaded this app 42 days ago and I’m loving both sobriety and this forum so far.


I’m Djay. My DOCs are cigarettes and alcohol. Quit smoking 13 years ago after at least 40 attempts. My drinking increased through the death of my mother and a divorce from an alcoholic. I was 122 days sober and then slipped over the holidays, but I don’t want to go back there. I love being sober and I’m back and here to stay.


Welcome Djay!


Good for choosing your child and your health. Praying and rooting for you. Stay safe stay strong and stay fighting.


Welcome back! I’ve been lucky to not have to start over this journey… I can seriously say that waking up sober is what got me to stay. It still is. However, at one point, I did feel that reward start to fade so I got a sponsor, who still is to this day. Assisting me through the BB and 12steps only solidified my wants of who I CHOOSE to be.

Sober. I choose sobriety. The rest comes naturally :wink: Happy New Year, bud. I’ll see you around :sunglasses:


Hello everyone, my name is Jen. I hail from the state of Ohio, in the US of A. My nemesis was alcohol… for a long time I knew I was standing on a slippery slope wearing really bad shoes. I’m a hairdresser by trade, which, now thinking about it might have been the start of my heavier drinking. I am married to my best friend, and he is always the biggest support system in my life. We have 2 big dogs (Jasper & Willow) whom we treat like children…
I am 3 weeks free of alcohol (definitely not the first time- fingers crossed the last) and feeling so proud of myself! I am excited and hopeful to have a poison free year, and even all the firsts that come with it. It amazes me the shift that occurs in the brain when one realizes that they cannot moderate their DoC. An entirely different door opens. - and not the TRAP DOOR I’m used to! :roll_eyes:
My plan is to spend my energy this year keeping up with my business, and hopefully buying a small piece of land to start a hobby farm :blush:
So thankful for a new beginning and this forum! :v:


Hi everyone. Glad to be here. I started using marijuana at age 15. From there I used acid, meth, cocaine and alcohol for the next 25 years with a short stint in rehab. At age 40 I got completely sober for a few years. Fell off the wagon and now am at day 154 aged 44.
I’m grateful after all this time to still have my husband, adult child and dog still intact. It’s been a crazy ride. Here’s to a sober 2021. :slightly_smiling_face::yellow_heart:


Hi :wave:t3: All I’m Courtney. My DOC is alcohol. I’ve been sober 323 days today. I was on the hamster wheel for many years and decided I could no longer live life like that. Sobriety has been a gift to my family more importantly to myself. Welcome to the community and I wish you great success on your journey.


Hey everyone! I’m josh. My DOC is alcohol and I’ve been sober for 5 days now. Might not seem like much but it’s a landmark for me. One day at a time I suppose. I’ve been an addict for about 13 years. Im feeling great so far!!


I was told in my early recovery was…do you know what five days is? It’s a long ass time for an addict… keep up the good fight


Haha it is indeed! The first three days were rough but I can feel the positive changes beginning to happen in my mind and body already. Thanks for the encouragement!


Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah it’s been tough at first but I’m feeling really good now. Thankful for a community like this where we can all encourage and motivate one another