2023 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Thank you for the welcome, its not the first attempt at getting sober, fist time around had six months then the second about nine and a half have only started this journey of healing a few years ago and man has it been a bit messy


Howdy, I’m Joseph, 33 years old. Currently in South East Texas. Single father of 2 amazing girls. Almost to my first 60 days without any drugs in over a decade and absolutely loving every minute of it.


Hi everyone, I’m 36 and live in Australia. Today is day 1 for me. Super glad I stumbled across this forum :blush:


Welcome! I am glad you are here

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I am Alisa. I was addicted to Meth and Weed for 23 years. I reached the first streak of substantial clean time today. I reached one year. I m married and live in Kansas. My birthday is this month too. I ll be 39. Thank you for this recovery space…


Congrats on 1 year of freedom! I’m from Kansas too.


Congratulations on one year!!! That is amazing!


Congratulations on one year! And happy birthday! From a fellow Kansan :sunflower::sunflower:


Congratulations on 1 year!!


Welcome Smiley.
Congratulations on your first day. Hopefully 2 by now since your down under. This has been an invaluable forum for me and my recovery. My 2 favorite threads.

Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.

Edit @Breathing29
Welcome Michael.
I could never do it alone either. Finding this app was a lifesaver for me.
I hope to see you around.


Thank you very much. I live in Holton

Hi, My name is Roni :slight_smile:

They say you have to hit rock bottom sometimes, & me spending this past NYE + NY DAY in the hospital was definitely mine.

I am 4 days sober. I knew I was a high functioning alcoholic but always thought… “I’ll fix that tomorrow”. Well tomorrow turned into years.

I am 3 Full days sober. Jan 1, 2023 was supposed to be Day 1 for “Dry January”. But having doctor after doctor telling you that you now have cirrhosis of the liver & if I continue with my “lifestyle”. I won’t make it to 40. You see… I’m currently 32.

Since then I know I need to quit, as my life literally depends on it. So I have been researching, educating myself, making goals & trying to find support such as this forum.

I am terrified of what my bad decisions may bring my future. But all I can do is take it day by day, trying to get better & better.

Wishing love & health to everyone :heart:


Welcome Roni.
Congrats on day 4 :clap:
I been very active on here for the last 3 years. Sober date 01/02/2020. This place and my knowledge of addiction and gratitude have been my biggest tools keeping me sober. One day at a time.
I’m totally powerless over alcohol and I’ve never ever been able to have just one.
Have a good read around. Reach out. Ask questions. You are not alone. There are lot’s of great people here willing to share their experiences and what works for them and give support.


Thank you so much Dazercat! Reading through the posts I am already finding support inspiration. I look forward to being apart of the community!


Anytime :pray:t2:
Here’s a good one if your interested.


Hello everyone.
I had been lurking silently for years on this app resetting the sober clock and relapsing more than I ate hot dinners. That was until this time last year I decided to open up on this app and share my secretive alcoholic addiction. The moment i did is the moment i stopped. This support app is all i have had and ive just completed my first year sober. My best adivice is to check in here daily. Multiple times if necessary. Even if its just to read.
Happy New year


Hi I’m Badger,

Been sober for just over two years. It does get easier but you have to put in the work and the fear has never left me.

Social life and physical well being has improved so much over the last two years, if I can help even one person it is worth it.


My name is Jake and I started my journey to sobriety today. I’ve gone periods being sober in the past but I’m finally ready to get rid of alcohol altogether before it ruins my life. I admit I have a problem and want to overcome it because there is so much good in my life that alcohol will destroy. I plan to attend a recovery group at my church for the first time next Tuesday. I look forward to racking up days of sobriety thank you all for posting on this forum it reminds me I’m not alone :heart:


Congratulations on your 1 year of sobriety Willow.


Welcome @Jwfletcher4792