30 day challenges

Exactly @Eke it would have been rude not to!

If you meet any more friendly goats on your travels take some pictures of them would love to see them.

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That is such a nice way of looking at it.

And :100: spot on! #GoTeam

Rise and shine, day nine!

35 Burpees :ballot_box_with_check:️ times myself, took about 3 minutes. Did the first half too quick, need to pace myself better.


Day 9 done.

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Days 3 & 4 done.

1.30 mi, 11’ 49" pace.


Woke up too late for yoga this morning and it’s a rest day from Burpees :raised_hands: Will catch up with yoga after work.

For now enjoying a cup of tea, curled up on the sofa with my dog.


Day 10 done


Yoga done, pretty much bed time now.

Day ten, feeling zen


Start mine tomorrow.


Day eleven done. Yoga camp video was 45 mins which I didn’t budget for so do a quick 15 mins one instead. Got yoga class tonight so will have more than my share for the day!

35 Burpees done, didn’t time it but took it slower to start with and it felt better. Not good :joy: but better

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Day 5. Rest day? Carbing up for tomorrow? Umm… :roll_eyes:


Go with it :joy:

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Sounds like a good plan :grinning:

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My BFF was saying she’s starting a rowing machine challenge of her own, every day. I said it sounded intense.

“Yeah. I know stuff will come up though. If I shoot for everyday, life will figure the rest days out for me.” #wisdom


That’s so true. The meditation I did this morning was all about falling off track with meditation practice and how it doesn’t need to mean we give up completely. Just get back to it when you can.

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Day 6. 1.33 mi @ 11’08"/mi pace. New trainers arrived today, too. :athletic_shoe:

I vaguely recall it taking months to get to a 9’ mile, my goal for this month. Nonetheless… Onward!

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The advice on that seems to be regular high intensity running and losing weight. So… I should keep doing those things? :confused:

(I’m still ~ten pounds from my target weight and then it would be ten more pounds to where I was when I regularly hit 9’ mile.)

What is vo2 max? I know I could just Google but in here now :grin:

40 Burpees done today, 4 minutes. Today I found the breathing part harder than the muscular part. Took me a while to get my breath back but feeling good and strong :muscle:

Then caught up on the 45 mins yoga video I missed yesterday.

Day twelve done!

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VO2max. All about the amount of dissolved oxygen your red blood cells transport. This is why blood-doping is banned in many sports. Athletes train at altitude, forcing their bodies to produce more red blood cells. Then they draw off a pint or two and store it, then IV it back into their bodies, right before the event.

I never understood why this is banned. An athlete is putting their own blood back into their bodies. They could get the same results by continuing to train at altitude until immediately before the event, and the tests would show the same results as the blood doper.

You can increase your VO2Max by doing Fartleks while running. In the Corps, we did them, as well as long distance “Indian runs”.

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