30 day squat challenge- join me

This is so awesome. Great idea @ProofOfLife. I’m at the gym daily n doing the plank challenge, besides my other workouts. One thing I miss is Squats, ( was one of my favorites) which I have to avoid :sleepy: after my back surgery. For now anyway. Good luck to everyone joining n getting it done.:weight_lifting_man:‍♀

Thanks for the encouraging words. Im so happy to see your remaining active after surgery, its so important. Keep on keeping on friend.

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Well I’m an idiot and just busted out 50 so I guess I’m in. :rofl: So sad that my walking will be seriously hampered by that in the morning! Should have started at 10, but I love a challenge. Thanks for the kick in the ass @ProofOfLife!!

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I’m in!! I will start right after my plank session.
Thanks for the motivation…

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I’m in! Let’s do this!

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I’m in! I did 20 this morning, I’ll up each day until I’m at 100 :muscle:

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Day 2, or well… I manage to do 20 today. That’s an improvement from yesterday :blush:

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Started today
100 very unforgiving squats :woozy_face:
I am glad I have a higher power… thats all :upside_down_face:

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Day 2 done :heavy_check_mark:


Day 2 of push ups/squats done :white_check_mark:
Day 4 of sobriety ongoing :checkered_flag:

Hope everyone is well :pray:


Didn’t know there was a pushup challenge
Whats the details? I’m in

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I’m in. Starting tomorrow.

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Great job! Your doing great. I just got back from the gym. Im done and done.
5 miles on the treadmill. I feel great. A tad wiped out at the moment, lol.

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I’m in too :smiley: I did 20 yesterday, I will aim for minimum of 25 today :clap:

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Just added a 100 push ups to the squat challenge :muscle: lol


I did my 10 squats today on my lunch break.
It was a nice break from setting at my desk!

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Right on, Jamie!

I’m in,start tommorow!