6 days sober.......used CBD drinks and gummys to get through the detox,

Just suggesting….read, listen to music… try going for a walk and enjoy the view. Breathe! Stay strong!

3 weeks now, easier everyday. did not sleep good last night. still drinking seltzer water.


Congrats on 3 weeks!

Congrats! How can you treat yourself? You deserve it!!!

Not sure, I am not craving anything, maybe I will get a DQ treat!


23 days I think? still drinking seltzer water, need to find something else to do after work and stay out of the garage.

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Why not do a live meeting?

like AA? probably not, thinking more of a bike ride, shopping, a car ride on back roads.

Sounds cool on any. I remember when I stopped booze I got into craft sodas. I would drive to random places to check out the special sodas or flavoured water selection. It was a reason to get out and get out of my head…
Congrats on your clean time, you’re doing good. One thing that I can suggest is get to know your clean date because you want to hold on to that. Just my 2 cents. I have been an addict of all drugs, in all ways for over 25 years and just doing my first six months now. I did have months before but it never met anything, this time
It does and seems so much easier…

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Good for you, the meds likely help you.
keep on keeping on!

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Changed my life completely. I do feel like a bit of a different person but I’m thankful I hated myself. I still have the same core but not rooted in shit.

A month ago today I was drinking.
Today has been weirdly bad, kinda shaky, now I am in bed just waiting for the night, I am listening to Art Bell on YouTube.
I need to be done with the quiting and get on to the living, hopefully soon.


Give it time. First months are a bit like surviving. Do not look too far ahead. Just get trough the day sober. It will get better, babysteps.
For me the first 3 months where the hardest.

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I have to find something to replace the time.

You mean what to do with it while not drinking?

yes. it is getting better but today I am tired and lazy so went to bed and surf the net

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I use CBD gummies as well. They should not be making you feel anxious though.

I tried thc, too, that made me anxious, the cbd is fine.

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day 45, still a bit strange, need to find something to do during what was my drinking time, but i am still healing and adjusting.

getting more energy
sleeping better
body feels WAY better
think i am looking better
not dehydrated, pee is not dark
pooping is normal
Not nearly as quik to anger-did not expect this.


Amazing work!! I’ve been following your journey since your first post – so awesome to see the progress!! Now to find you a creative passion or side hustle to fill that time productively & passionately!! :grin:

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