7 days... learning to be happy

Hi everyone

I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been reading a lot on here the last few days, and I am finding a lot of the posts very helpful and interesting to read. What a great community you have!

The last 2 years have been a rollercoaster, and not an overall healthy one at that. Whereas i stopped drinking many times in between, ran marathons and attempted a healthy lifestyle, it would never stick. After a while and in stressful situations, I would always find myself back at square one again, glass of wine and cigarette in hand in the evening.

That glass would often turn into a bottle and chainsmoking, followed by terrible sleep, anxiety and irritability the next day… really not the way I want to live my life, and even less ideal for a single mother with a full time job. Nobody noticed, all responsibilities were fulfilled on a daily basis, but with so much less or no joy. My exercise and self care seriously started lacking again, I put on weight, I constantly felt worn out.

So after a very booze- and smoke filled Saturday evening last week, I found myself going through anxiety and what felt like mild panic attacks, on and off for two days. Not debilitating, but bad enough for me to not sleep and to struggle with the feeling of impending doom… and bad enough to really want to draw a line.

In a couple of hours, it will be 7 days without booze and cigarettes. I know it’s nothing, but I feel like I am off to a really good start. My sleep score is through the roof, I am enjoying my quality time with my children so much more, I am feeling good about how much I am achieving at work. I have started exercising properly again, and diet has also improved a bit. I feel much calmer about my divorce proceedings.

I know I need to put in a lot of work for things to stay this way. Have tried a couple of online meetings in the last week, but haven’t yet found one that speaks to me / works for me. Just couldn’t relate, but I’ll attend a few more. Have signed up for a few races this year, including a full marathon in October. I am focusing on sitting out and just feeling my feelings. I am learning (hopefully… I think I’ve got quite a journey ahead of me still) how to be happy and content on my own.

A long post… sorry and thank you to those who read this far.

Much :heartpulse: and thank you all for sharing your stories and wisdom. It really helps.


Welcome @Nel 7 days is awesome! The first couple weeks were the hardest. You are breaking habits and creating new neuropathways. Good for you!

Glad you found us. This place and the rooms of AA helped me get 2+yrs sober after 20yrs of problem drinking. If some of the online meetings dont work i highly recommend trying in person, something magical in person. Hey if AA doesnt resonate, you could check out Dharma Recovery or Smart recovery.

Check in here often


It’s more than nothing :rainbow: It’s A LOT and something to be very proud of. Congratulations on your 7 days! One day at a time …. sometimes one minute, one second - but each day logged in is something to feel good about, even if everything else is not as you hoped. I wish you all the best as you walk this journey. Life really is better sober.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, really appreciate it. 2+ years, that is amazing.

There are no in person meetings nearby, I am in a very small town. I can imagine that it must be very humbling and magical. That being said, I am comfortable with online meetings as such, and the evening online meetings are easy for me to attend. I think I just haven’t found the right group for me. Both meetings I attended were very literature-based, with little time for personal sharing. For me personally, connecting and sharing experiences is more important than study at this stage, so I felt I wasn’t in the right place.

I will attend a Smart meeting on Monday, thank you for the recommendation :pray:


Thank you for your kind words, it really means a lot. You are right, 7 days are not nothing… day 4 was definitely one minute at a time, especially the cigarette cravings :fearful:. I think I am just really scared of becoming complacent again.

Yes, it is so much better. Even after this short time, I am feeling a lot more at peace. Thank you so much for your wishes, and I wish you all the best too.


Welcome @Nel! You are not alone :innocent:

You are also not alone in loving running: there is a vibrant group of runners here on Talking Sober, and they share their runs and other running stuff on this thread:

Running in Recovery in 2024

Keep at it and don’t give up. Recovery and running a marathon are exactly the same: it’s one stride (step), one more stride, one more stride, then you’re at the finish line (which is where you have a snack and get ready for your next run :innocent:)


Fantastic, thanks Matt! My marathons (mainly half) are more like one stride, why am I doing this to myself, one more stride, can’t believe I’ve got 41km/20km to go, one more stride, never again, another stride, I am NOT running up that hill, and so it goes until I’m at the finish line and sign up for the next one :joy:

I’ll definitely be checking out the running thread. Thank you so much for the warm welcome!


7 days sober is definitely not nothing! You know that you don’t want to stay stuck being addicted and unhappy and that’s a great realization to have the important thing now is to just find a way to stay motivated to keep putting the work in cause addictions like ours are so incredibly difficult to beat think about how much your kids will be forever grateful to be raised by a sober, happier version of yourself!


Welcome to this great community! 7 days sober from alcohol AND cigarettes is incredible! Congratulations! You will find lots of connection and support here. I’ve found it so helpful in my first 6 weeks (so far) of sobriety.


Welcome to the community Nel. This is a wonderful place to connect with others on a similar journey. Loads of amazing support here

Way to go with 7 days of sobriety :muscle:t4: :muscle:t4:

Love how you are actively working on your sobriety and have a plan in place. Best of luck in finding a meeting that click with you. I do find staying busy so that you don’t let the urges or temptations take over. Glad you are here with us. Hope to see you around :people_hugging:


Just chiming in to welcome you, @Nel . Glad you are here!:peace_symbol::heart:


You are so right. Quitting seems very doable, it’s the staying quit and motivated that worries me. Thank you, that’s a good reminder and the best incentive to think of.

Thank you so much for your message and support!

Thank you :heartpulse:

Thank you for the lovely welcome. Yes, staying busy works well to not light that cigarette during the day, and at night it’s off to bed early… the wonky wine reward system thought usually sets in once the kids are in bed. Thank you again and yes, I am planning on sticking around.


Using a straw or toothpick to chew on or gum helps keep the cugs away. Join us on the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2) thread for other tips and support.

The nightly reward is hard. I went to ice cream for a bit then a self care routine…you will find the perfect fit for you. :hugs:


Seven days IS something. It’s a journey not a race. Happy for you.

Sounds great, thank you! I’ll join you on that thread. I’m a little less grumpy now compared to the first few days, but probably still an A-hole so I may fit right in :smile:


Thank you! Think I’d like to be much further along on the journey, but of course you’re right. Congrats on your 7 days today :tada:

LOL you will fit right in my friend … i am over 2 years and do get my grumpy days now and then but yeah still an A-hole from time to time too :joy: