997 Days - time to reach out

@Ar7 We never know when our stories may help someone else, so this has been a good reminder to never be scared, ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help. Thank you🙏


I hope to reach that many days, I have 815 AF, this inspires me. Keep up the great work.


@Butterflymoonwoman You have so much to offer! You are an example of strength and courage, so I need all the insight I can get. These drinking thoughts have been with me for a few months, I just was too proud to ask for help. Thank you🙏


@GOKU2019 This desire to drink has put me back in my place. I was getting comfortable, so it does not matter how many days you have. Every day sober is one to celebrate and be proud off. I am proud of you.


@Laraellelarissa Thank you! I read almost every thread and I latch on to everyone’s story, especially how relapse makes you feel. This has always kept me on track and the reminders of what reality looks like. This time, I have been sneaky in my thoughts and let my ego and pride get in the way. I have been playing with fire for few months and would not ask for help. I sat quietly in my head and really convinced myself, I am all better because I have dealth with the past. Time to settle back down and play the tape through to the end :heart:


@LEEJR Thank you. We are all in this together :pray: That is what I know for sure.

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Good for you for reaching out which is half the battle. I’m 885 days into sobriety and when I get these thoughts, I go back to basics and step up my meetings. There’s nothing better than being around like minded people during difficult times.

Here’s a topic you may relate to. @emc2018 posted similar thoughts before their relapse. Hopefully, you can take something from their experience to avoid heading down that same road.


I often ask myself this question:

What will I regret the most concerning this decision?

Would I regret to stay sober? Absolutely not…
Would I regret to drink? I don’t see how this could end well. Maybe it’ll be fine for couple of days. But sooner or later I’ll regret it.

Good thing you reached out

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Wow. This.
Of course… fanticizing about drinking is closely related to a past fun that will never be there anyways… I would guess even the people who aren’t struggling with addiction do miss those days where they were younger and had more fun. Funny how alcohol is associated with so many things in our life, like if it was that that made the life fun in the past…


@Lisa07 I have read that post so many times, and even responded to it, as I was feeling the same thoughts back then!! I would say out of all the TS stories, this one touched home for me, and the one that stopped me from “just get over it and live it up” I cringe even writing that, as I know better. In the few hours since I wrote this post, my mindset has shifted and I am feeling a little more balanced. I have questions and how I intend to move forward. I cannot do this on my own :heart:


We’re all here for you. Keep reaching out. Hopefully, it will pass sooner than later.


@WCan What you write is very true and a matter of fact. If I drink, it will not end well. Thank you for that very simple clear reminder :pray:

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Sooo good you are reaching out. You are doing what I did not do. Trust me, despite what your mind is telling you right now, you actually don’t want that drink! You will only have regret and perhaps others worse outcomes. Stay the sober road, and relish in your wonderful sober life. You’ve worked so hard to get here, keep going! Xxx


@emc2018 Today taught me the importance of community and interacting with those on the same journey. I need to block out the noise and focus. Thank you so much :heart:


Hi :raising_hand_woman:

In my experience from having 8 years sober, i thought what would the harm be in having one.
Within weeks it had me like old times.
997 days is brilliant.


@Twizzlers Damn! That message says it all. Thank you for sharing and reminding me how quickly you could loose it all. As was said before, " you did not come this far, to come this far". I hear you :pray:


I gave up sobriety after 5 1/2 yrs because I thought I could handle a drink again. That was 8 yrs ago. I’m now on day 40 today. It’s hard we all know that. Don’t give up that number. You got this.


Hi lovely, well it appears that we are sober twins as I am Day 998 sober :woman_cartwheeling::woman_cartwheeling::heartpulse:

I don’t know what it is about hitting that 1000 days but man! I mean, I’m proud of how far I’ve come but to be honest, every milestone up until now has felt like just another sober 24 hours chalked up. For some reason, 1000 days feels massive and different for me. It actually scares me alittle because I never thought I’d see this happen and I’m getting nervous… worried it is going to make me feel abit invincible and that I’m all good now.

But I know that it isn’t true.

That’s the cunning, patient and powerful bastard of a little voice trying to convince me of that. It pretends to be my friend but really, it secretly loves to try and destroy me…

I’ve been here before. I was just short of 10 years sober when I believed I would be ok to drink again. Surely after a 10 year hiatus and being in a much better place mentally and emotionally, I would be ok to have a couple of drinks and be a ‘normie’. Oh how I now laugh in horror at my naivety and bullshit self talk.

That decision to drink again, took me back to hell much quicker than I could have ever imagined. And I spent the next 4 years yo-yoing between weeks or months of attempted sobriety and reckless out of control drinking. It was utterly soul destroying and mentally and physically exhausting.

Today I’m finally now at 998 days and I’m scared. I’ve been more active on here, I started going back to AA meetings last week… I’m now more active in my recovery than I was 6 months ago. Because i don’t ever want to start believing that little voice of temptation and lies. If I do it will become a roar and I will pick back up. And I do not want to go back to day 1 ever ever again.

Together, let’s keep taking it one day at a time.
Remind ourselves why we started this journey to begin with and how much we have gained along the way.
We can celebrate our 1000 days together :dizzy:


@Becsta awhh this message made my heart happy. Sober twins both knowing the struggle is real. I will check in on you and feel free to share all the wisdom that you have gathered. Tomorrow is a new day, all is good. One Day At A Time


I really appreciate your post, you’ve unintentionally verbalised and made me realise what my uncomfortable feelings have been lately and I didn’t realise what they were about until I stumbled across this thread. We’ve got this :facepunch::pray:

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