997 Days - time to reach out

I just been sober 20 days. Last 3 weeks had shakes, weird thoughts, horrible anxiety, cravings so bad that’s all i think about all day long. Low energy. Can’t sleep. Nightmares. Don’t go back. It’s hell.


I hope these all pass soon for you Corey, it’s definitely not something I want to go through again either.

@Corey1982 I feel for you. It took me three years to even find the coping skills to escape that anxiety that you are currently living with. You are right, I do not want to go back to that. I really did not fully understand ODAAT, but I sure do now. What I also learned from reaching out is that a support team can pull you through the darkness - sitting alone in your own thoughts can drown you. Go easy on yourself, love yourself and reach out!

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Let me start by saying what an inspiration it is to see you are only days away from your 1,000 days! I also love the fact that you are showing the vulnerable side of feeling accomplished but that urge is still there. It’s real. But you have shown that it is possible to keep going.

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Whether or not you are cured is unknown, however, as tough as it might be, there are certain known factors. How do you feel physically better or worse than when drinking, Relationships, self esteem, money, whatever. Come up with a list of honest questions to evaluate life now vs. while drinking/drugging. If the balance of questions point to your life being better than when you were drinking, (on the whole, specifics cam muddy the water, like am I seeing more live music. If you want to go there go all the way, am I enjoying, remembering. Appreciating it more or less,) well,if life was better, then the sensible thing is to return to drinking. We are on this another to get as much out of the time we have, not to be good or bad. Interestingly. I Ave never even heard of someone who’s pros outweighed their cons. Mine may have a long, long time ago, but I will never know.

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@K.Slaughter Thank you! Best thing I ever done was reach out to this group, listen to their advice/stories, and get thinking back on track. I think it is 1000 tomorrow, but I am not sure LOL- doesn’t matter anyway, it is today that counts.

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@StephenUys Thank you🙏 When you write out the pros and cons the list does not even come close to balance. The consequences of me drinking would destroy me. It would not matter if I took 1 sip or 1 bottle, I know in my heart I would be crushed. I sat with this drinking thought for a few months before I reached out here, as I knew from the knowledge I required on this site, I was slipping. Thank God, I buried my pride, reached out and learned a valuable lesson - keep working the program, keep focused and never be ashamed to ask for help

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Congratulations on 1,000 days :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:. You rock… if it’s today otherwise congrats tomorrow :nerd_face:

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@Dan531 With the help of this community, today is 1000 and counting @Becsta kept me right LOL


Yay! Congratulations on 1000 days!
Hopefully, you’ll feel stronger in your sobriety going forward, now that this big milestone is finally here.

Sweet, congrats. Be well on your journey, enjoy the ride

I think you’ve got it backwards. You’ll drown the good person inside who you are finding sober, and who is crawling out from under the wreckage addiction and substance abuse left behind.

The booze will bury that person again. Whatever identity shows up when you’re drunk isn’t really you, it’s some distorted version of who you think you should be.

Congrats on not drinking today! You’ve got that part spot on correct and people here will support you!

:partying_face::tada: That is awesome ! Congratulations !!

tenor (20)