A little advice

Would love some advice. I can’t seem to stop drinking and can’t pin point what is making me drink.


Welcome to TS Emily.
I think retraining our brains is crucial.
And not picking up that first one.
Have a good read around.
Here are two good threads to start:


Could be your an alcoholic with an alcoholics attitude towards life. Nobody here needed a reason to drink we drink bc we’re happy, sad, excited, bored, frightened, reward our selves, short day at work, long hard day, weekend, week day… any day ending in Y. But we changed our thinking by being given the gift of desperation. A mental or spiritual shift and being too bloody tired of the same old shit.
You’ll discover your own reason for doing what do whilst on your sober journey but until then we can’t offer you an answer to your question but stick around and read what people do who have long term sobriety bc we can offer you a solution.
The rest is up to you.

But your not alone anymore…


Sometimes we did it just because we had made a habit out of it.
Its hard to break the patern.