About the Life in Recovery category

Here you can discuss your everyday challenges, experiences and successes.
If you had a particularly challenging day, or you just want to share something that happened to you, this is the place.


I was just thinking that we needed some new categories :wink:


And here you go!

If you have any good ones, I’ll consider adding them :slight_smile:


I think today was kind of unsuccessful for me because I’m noticing warning signs. For me, when I start letting up on my routine, I know some things up. I was supposed to go to a meeting today because I haven’t been in over a week and instead I slept in. Then on my way to work I impulsively bought an energy drink even tho I’d gone 18 days without caffeine because I drink it in excess. This may sound silly, but these are warning signs. I’m getting restless. All I can do is put today behind me and focus on one day at a time. I plan to hit a meeting tomorrow before work. I know no matter how much I don’t want to go it will help me.


@Ash That’s really good that you are aware of your warning signs. Keeps you focus on your goals! :+1:Like you said one day at a time! Hope your having a better day today! Stay strong, you can do it! :muscle::muscle::muscle::heart_decoration::heart_decoration::heart_decoration::point_up::point_up::point_up::v::v::v:


Yep recovery is basically about two things once you’ve accepted you are what you are one make decisions second get into action it’s no good lieing in bed considering doing the next right thing I have to turn decisions into action one of which may be I’m worn out let’s have a lie in which is fine but not I have to get to a meeting but I’m tired

A post was merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself

Clean for 8 months


Clean for 3 months and every day im thankfull!!


Day 13, really nice feelings, getting stronger and more focus

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chaos seems that is the only comfortable thing I know. 15 days clean and sober . but what do you do. work sleep eat take in a meeting read. them what . no longer waiting for the man, making the calls chasing the dope. exactly what do people do to fill their souls . I’m a husk empty and void . unable to be happy, no joy. all fear and worry . am I going to get it right this time. spiritual awaking when does the begin. so lost.

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It’s right girl

I used to feel that same exact way!! I didn’tknow the healthy way to occupy my time and or mind. Its the part of the healing proccess.that’s why counselors want u to stay busy with meetings and other things. It will get easier i promise. Just reach out to ur support!! Thats ur main right there! Good luck :slight_smile:

Great thread.

So my fiance decides to call off the wedding an throw in towel. Please keep in mind I have over 1.5 yrs of sobriety. The easy thing would be grab a bottle an throw in towel. Nope not this time I’m not gonna let her or anyone else take what I’ve worked so hard to accomplish

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I flew home to visit my mom and best friend this week. I havent been home in 3 years because addiction started here… so i relapsed yesterday here and had a feeling i would. I feel like an idiot. Going back to my new home of 4 years tomorrow in Colorado thinking about how i probably wont come back to visit again for a few years. Ugh.

Finally back home n I’m embarrassed and disappointed with myself. My wife is trying to offer things to help but I really just wanna crawl into the closet n hide. Been setting up interviews since I lost my job on this relapse. Where do I go from here, what can I possibly offer to the world now? Feeling terrible.

I’m not sure how this works. I’ve been so far for 1,343 days. I’m up against new challenges with the Corona virus. Isolation is not my friend. I was an isolation drinker. So I’m trying to use new tools to help keep me sober. Was wondering if there are others out there in the same situation?

I hope you are doing better. Remember it takes time and trust in your Higher Power. Your not alone in your feelings or situation.

Those times you don’t think you need a meeting are when you need them the most. I’ll be praying for you.

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