Action for Happiness - Active April

I get up at 5 and start working at 6 and usually finish around 6/7 at night so I fit the steps in within that. I can do a lot of work from home so although we’re off, I work anyway :nerd_face:.

That sounds horrendous to me :joy: But if it makes you happy then that’s the main thing!

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Morning @siand :grin:


Morning! :laughing: Spent a couple of hours doing gardening yesterday and it wiped me out! Have definitely noticed my sleep improving for doing this active April, waking up actually feeling refreshed, longer and less interrupted sleep.

How was your day yesterday, hope you didn’t work too hard! I saw this and thought of you…

It is something I’ve been working on over the last year too. I don’t work as hard as you :see_no_evil: but I had overloaded myself with commitments and it got too much. Am trying to learn to take things slowly and be more present instead of distracting myself from my feelings with busyness!

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DAY 20

Relax your body and your mind with yoga, tai chi and meditation.

Yes! Create time and space :person_in_lotus_position::pray:


Well, I made a commitment today to be more present, in the spaces between work. I didn’t do so much work yesterday in the end. I felt so darn tired I just couldn’t do it. Your wee picture is helpful, actually. I have a tendency to think that if I am not productive I am wasting time. It’s an unhealthy mentality really and I know it, but it’s like a compulsion. Definitely something for me to work on!!!

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Oh so this task was just made for me after all that!!! :point_up:t3:

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Ha I know, I hadn’t looked at it before either. Obviously meant to be!

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Did a 20 minute meditation out in the garden yesterday :sun_with_face:

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DAY 21

Make time to run, swim, dance, stretch or cycle today.


I did some reflective thinking @siand - I’m trying to spend time each day on challenging my thinking and working on myself.

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Crikey - that’s quite high voltage!!! Do you think a brisk walk will count?

I was thinking of doing a stretch or a swim. I naturally lean towards the lower voltage :joy:

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I walked nine miles yesterday, some at a very fast pace so I’m ticking this one off :grin:. What are we up to today @siand, my friend?

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I did some gardening in the end, am aching this morning!

DAY 22

Arrange to get together for a friend for a walk and talk.

Hmm not sure about this one, I saw a couple of people yesterday and don’t really know who I’d ask. I will probably go for a walk with my mum though if that counts!


DAY 23

Actively ‘eat a rainbow’ of multi-coloured vegetables today.

Got this covered, had a BBQ with my parents yesterday and have quite a lot of leftovers. Grilled pepper, aubergine, courgette and red onion plus a salad with cucumber and tomato. Nom nom nom.


Hope you also make some time for just being! It sounds like you challenge yourself a lot already. Which is great, all the good stuff happens outside your comfort zone etc. But it’s nice to be comfortable sometimes too :blush:


Oh I like the sound of this @siand, I’m on it! I didn’t manage day 22 - I was driving most of the day and then my daughter in law went into labour - but I did run around happily after my three grandchildren if that counts? :grin:


Ah congratulations to you and your daughter in law! Hope everyone is safe and happy. If a little exhausted?! What a lovely way to celebrate Easter, new beginnings and all that.

Running around with grandchildren definitely counts :grin: