Action for Happiness - Joyful June

Aw, darn. With my people, this kind of thing would look super weird :see_no_evil:. I suppose I could write one and not send/give it but I don’t know if that defeats the purpose. Maybe I am over thinking this :rofl::see_no_evil:. I could send an email I guess!!

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Haha yea I know but I do think not giving it/sending it (I would say email is fine although a hand written letter is nice) would defeat the purpose. Remember growth comes from outside our comfort zone!

I would say there are ways of making it less awkward - write at the start that it’s part of this AFH thing and that you feel pretty weird writing this, but you wanted to do it anyway because you really appreciate… That’s what I’m planning on doing anyway.

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Ok full disclosure I didn’t do this in the end. I will roll it over though because I do need to be more grateful for the people in my life. My gratitude tends to focus on animals and nature!

:joy::rofl:. I didn’t either.

DAY 11

Try to say something positive every time you walk into a room.

Ooh I like this, that’s a nice one.

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This is WAY more achievable (I’ll just stay in my study all day :wink::joy: - kidding!!). I like this one. I’m on it!

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I found this quite difficult because everyone else’s first thing to say was about how miserable the weather was… And I don’t think everyone appreciated me saying that we’ve just done our garden and it’s great for the turf :joy:

But I did catch myself launching into a rant nearly as soon as I saw someone, remembered this and did the positive stuff first. It actually helped me see the negative stuff differently. I’m going to try and carry this forward as a regular habit.

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DAY 12

Spread joy. Give flowers or help to brighten someone’s day.

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DAY 13

See the upside in a difficult situation you learnt from.

Something I am working on is that it’s ok to let go of things that aren’t working. I quit a voluntary position a few months ago and it was hard to make that decision. I am still processing it a bit but I feel like I have had some personal growth as a result of that decision.

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I didn’t take flowers in to the office yesterday as I didn’t like the ones I saw in the shop in the morning… And I forgot to look at lunchtime :see_no_evil:

Will try and remember today!

I think I managed this through my work yesterday, making people laugh :joy:

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DAY 14

Cook your favourite food today and enjoy it (with others if possible).

Pizza :heart_eyes:


Snap! I like this one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ve never quite worked out how to make good pizza dough. @anon84416494 if you’re around any tips would be appreciated!

The trick to pizza dough is letting it rest but it aso needs quite a good kneading. When I make pizza, I usually make a focaccio base but hold back on the olive oil a little bit. It will crust beautifully but stay pretty soft in the middle. :slight_smile: but it depends, what sort of base do you prefer?

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That sounds delicious! Just a normal foccacia recipe with a little less oil?

I love carbs and cheese so any pizza is good for me. But I’m thinking a focaccia base with some garlic and rosemary in it, with some roast veg and mozzarella on top :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Oh and, should I cook the focaccia dough first, then add toppings? Or part cook it?

Always cook them together otherwise the the dough will burn on the second cook or the toppings will all fall off :slight_smile:

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Pizzacia was a success :raised_hands:


Looks PERFECT :slight_smile: Enjoy :slight_smile: