Action for Happiness - Jump Back July

Ok sooo I’m not sure I’ve aced this one today.

I have eaten well, in both senses of the word :see_no_evil: Had 2 portions of fruit and 6 veg today so that’s pretty good. Also had some banana bread, takeaway pizza and a triple chocolate cookie.

I’ve done 10,000 steps today, so while I wouldn’t say I’ve exercised as such I’ve not been totally sedentary.

And I’m aiming to go up to bed at 10, which is about half an hour later than I’d want but I’ve got to wait for the bed covers to dry!


Day 8 if July. I am going to bed early tonight as well! I bought vegetables to juice so I’ll be doing that this evening and I’m working out today as well…I have 6k steps so far :slight_smile:


I got very little (for me) sleep last night so my exercise today was minimal. Sleep tonight :sleeping:
I also juiced.



When things get tough, say to yourself “this too shall pass”

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Trying to focus on these things generally. I eat pretty well, but started today tracking food intake to get a a more realistic sense of whether my idea of “well” is accurate. Happy to be back exercising after ankle injury last week. I try to be winding down by 10pm, with lights out 10.30ish (then up 5.15-5.45).


I also say this when things are good :slight_smile: Everything changes, always.


DAY 10

Reach out to someone you trust and share your feelings with them.

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I didn’t do this yesterday. The opportunity didn’t present itself. I had a nice day though so it didn’t feel necessary. Although maybe it’s good to tell people who know I’m struggling when I’m having a good day too

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DAY 11

Look for something positive in a difficult situation.


Day 10 & 11, I’m having a little bit of a difficult time figuring out the best way to support my kids through the transition of my seperation with my husband. I leaned on someone close and it helped me vent my frustrations but also brainstorm the root of the problem. Many positives I feel have come from this.

I think I have a better grasp of what’s going on with them and why they are acting out so much with me. Now to come up with some solutions on how to make things more balanced for everyone involved.


My difficult situation is work related. It’s not exactly difficult, just frustrating. Having spoken to some colleagues about it, I know it’s not just me.

But with one of my colleagues we did a bit of a gratitude thing. I’m really grateful for the people I work with.

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DAY 12

When things go wrong, be compassionate to yourself.


Hope you have a good journey!

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DAY 13

Challenge negative thoughts. Find an alternative interpretation.


Good plan. I will. I do try to do this as much as possible.


DAY 14

Go for a walk to clear your head when you get overwhelmed.


Day 14 :sun_with_face: I go for walks about 3×day on weekdays. I’ll make time for one today as well.

I think I will go for a swim instead. Going to go do this now!


DAY 15

Find fun ways to distract yourself from unhelpful thoughts

I found this difficult yesterday. Ended up staying with some difficult thoughts and talking about them instead. It was actually quite helpful. Then went out for some food and had a nice evening. Also booked a day ticket for a festival in August with a friend which I am really looking forward to.

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