Alcohol and Anxiety

Me too! Therapy has helped a lot- sometimes just getting it out instead of keeping those worries in helps

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Yes absolutely. My anxiety was crippling. It’s nowhere near that now. Ive come down from a steady 80%+ baseline everyday anxiety to maybe 5%-10%. Anxiety attacks can still be nerve-wrecking but with my recovery I can handle them. I can be there for myself in a way I could never with alcohol in the picture.


Thank you for sharing.
I am glad to hear that things are better now.

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Thanks. And how are you doing with your sobriety and anxiety?

Im only 5 days into sobriety, so I’m not really in a position to say yet. :frowning:
Im still feeling very anxious and in a cycle of waking up around 3am every morning with racing thoughts.
I am hopeful that by not drinking, I will soon see the anxiety lessen.
Its nice to read that sonbriety has helped others with anxiety, so I am feeling positive. :slight_smile:
Thanks for asking.


That was me and I’ve read that 600000 times on here. This will change with sobriety 100%.

Here are some resources that have helped me and others: Resources for our recovery

Here are things ppl with long term sobriety can tell you about that they know: Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

Put the work in and you will get better. x

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Thank you very much for the links and support!


It’s blood pressure for me. No alcohol and daily walks helped big time with my anxiety and blood pressure


I really should walk more. . .sounds good.
Glad you feel better. :slight_smile:

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Abso FREEKING lutely!!! Alcohol had me an anxious mess, messes with your brain something awful, im just over 100 days and i can tell you that im alot less anxious, infact for the first time in 5 years i feel optimistic


Congratulations on 100 days!

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Yes. My anxiety was a major problem. After a few weeks I wasn’t anxious at all. I’m now being weened off my anxiety med from my psychiatrist. I’m 21 months sober.

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Well done.

I’m still stressing, 40 days sober. Hope it gets better!

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Yeah I was a wreck when I was hungover and drinking. I had constant paranoia and anxiety.

Sober after some time I now live at peace with my mistakes and my success.


Yes, I have the same.
Even days after drinking.
Hopefully will pass soon.

I hope so too.
It’s a tough journey indeed

Sobriety builds a better future or plainly, a future. Early sobriety is rough no one talks about oddball things such as this and we seem to all want the rewards immediately.

I think if you stay the course you will see these things melt away. Youll be clear headed-ish and happy. I genuinely enjoy the connection with my partner now and its worth every second of awkwardness along the way. Stick through the rough waters. Keep your eyes on the prize.


I absolutely noticed reduced anxiety.

To be clear, it was a little worse before it got better. The first two or three weeks I felt a bit all over the place. Having support groups like here and AA helped me stay focused and develop new ways to cope with it. It takes time for the mind and body to adjust.

But then absolutely. After maybe a month or two, my baseline anxiety was significantly lower. And this is from one who has been diagnosed with GAD in the past.

It may not feel like it early on, but I can say without a doubt now that alcohol was absolutely making my anxiety ten times worse.


My anxiety, irritability, depression & disorder slightly lessened now that my addiction is arrested.