I know that the link between alcohol and anxiety is well documented, but has anyone found that being sober has actually really helped to ease their anxiety?
I get really bad work anxiety and wonder if my alcohol use has been a contributing factor.
I get stressed so easily and feel that I cant cope with tasks etc
It has caused no end of ruined weekends along with hangovers!
Yes absolutely. My anxiety was crippling. It’s nowhere near that now. Ive come down from a steady 80%+ baseline everyday anxiety to maybe 5%-10%. Anxiety attacks can still be nerve-wrecking but with my recovery I can handle them. I can be there for myself in a way I could never with alcohol in the picture.
Im only 5 days into sobriety, so I’m not really in a position to say yet.
Im still feeling very anxious and in a cycle of waking up around 3am every morning with racing thoughts.
I am hopeful that by not drinking, I will soon see the anxiety lessen.
Its nice to read that sonbriety has helped others with anxiety, so I am feeling positive.
Thanks for asking.
Abso FREEKING lutely!!! Alcohol had me an anxious mess, messes with your brain something awful, im just over 100 days and i can tell you that im alot less anxious, infact for the first time in 5 years i feel optimistic
Yes. My anxiety was a major problem. After a few weeks I wasn’t anxious at all. I’m now being weened off my anxiety med from my psychiatrist. I’m 21 months sober.