Alcohol and Anxiety


I know that the link between alcohol and anxiety is well documented, but has anyone found that being sober has actually really helped to ease their anxiety?

I get really bad work anxiety and wonder if my alcohol use has been a contributing factor.
I get stressed so easily and feel that I cant cope with tasks etc
It has caused no end of ruined weekends along with hangovers!


Totally! Alcohol on anxiety is like gasoline on a fire. I still have some anxiety, but it’s so much less intense and more manageable in sobriety.


Honestly, I stress over nonsensical things.
Its ridiculous.

Me too! Therapy has helped a lot- sometimes just getting it out instead of keeping those worries in helps

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Yes absolutely. My anxiety was crippling. It’s nowhere near that now. Ive come down from a steady 80%+ baseline everyday anxiety to maybe 5%-10%. Anxiety attacks can still be nerve-wrecking but with my recovery I can handle them. I can be there for myself in a way I could never with alcohol in the picture.


Thank you for sharing.
I am glad to hear that things are better now.

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Thanks. And how are you doing with your sobriety and anxiety?

Im only 5 days into sobriety, so I’m not really in a position to say yet. :frowning:
Im still feeling very anxious and in a cycle of waking up around 3am every morning with racing thoughts.
I am hopeful that by not drinking, I will soon see the anxiety lessen.
Its nice to read that sonbriety has helped others with anxiety, so I am feeling positive. :slight_smile:
Thanks for asking.


That was me and I’ve read that 600000 times on here. This will change with sobriety 100%.

Here are some resources that have helped me and others: Resources for our recovery

Here are things ppl with long term sobriety can tell you about that they know: Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

Put the work in and you will get better. x

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Thank you very much for the links and support!


It’s blood pressure for me. No alcohol and daily walks helped big time with my anxiety and blood pressure


I really should walk more. . .sounds good.
Glad you feel better. :slight_smile:

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Abso FREEKING lutely!!! Alcohol had me an anxious mess, messes with your brain something awful, im just over 100 days and i can tell you that im alot less anxious, infact for the first time in 5 years i feel optimistic


Congratulations on 100 days!

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Yes. My anxiety was a major problem. After a few weeks I wasn’t anxious at all. I’m now being weened off my anxiety med from my psychiatrist. I’m 21 months sober.

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Well done.

I’m still stressing, 40 days sober. Hope it gets better!

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Yeah I was a wreck when I was hungover and drinking. I had constant paranoia and anxiety.

Sober after some time I now live at peace with my mistakes and my success.


Yes, I have the same.
Even days after drinking.
Hopefully will pass soon.

I hope so too.
It’s a tough journey indeed