Alcohol free for me please universe

Half way through my 100th Day clean…I feel like I need to get back to spiritual principles cos I’ve got a little lost the last couple of weeks, smoking shit loads, drinking too much coffee,not doing much house work,Almost like a dry drunk but absolutely no where near close to shame and guilt about having a messy :house: house…Ive hot to stay close to other addicts and on this app as I have a day out and evening ahead with a best friend in active addiction and I need to be vigilant as I know addiction can be very persuasive…

Stared at the clouds
Listened to the sea
And went for a long walk


103 days and grateful to be sober and with new skates !



Midnight and stepping into 105, at my best friends house this evening with his kids and my kids,was a bit apprehensive about it as he is a big drinker as I was, but it’s been lovely. I drank coca cola and I wasn’t tempted at all. It seems when you have days behind you drinkers want to know ‘how you did/do it’,seems drinkers want to stop and know they can’t stop and have tried to stop, same as I was. I can share my experience, show my strength and carry a message. That sobriety is possible :blue_heart::black_heart::blue_heart::fist_right::fist_left: :blue_heart::black_heart::blue_heart:


109 days and today’s addictions are the phone and coffee and cigarettes…boring :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: not connected to anything spiritual, just detrimental.

112 days completed, all good in the hood, :pray:


Beginning of day 116.
I’m good
I’m grateful
I’m noticing a stronger higher power and the little miracles that happen daily
I’m grateful I am sober
I’m grateful my children are all in my life on a daily basis
I’m grateful for the things I have

!(Wish I could get rid of a lot of things too)!


Finished day 116.
Today other than now and THINKING about it I didn’t think of alcohol of drinking of getting wasted
of having a void i felt that I needed to avoid to fill with alcohol
I had no void today.
I am full.


I am happy for you, you are doing great :+1: :blush:

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This is my truth and has been a daily struggle…my mental health was not good last year…I clawed it back, I got sober but this is pushing me over again…I could literally break and go mental … just gonna have to do a lot of deep breathing.

127 days Sober, dealing with what life is and accepting. Changing what I have the courage to, . Some bits of life are heartbreaking. But my family and I are good :heart_decoration: , on the same page,…:fist_right::fist_left:


Write about your feelings every day. The good, the bad, the pros, the cons. Keep fighting, and reach out if needed. You’re doing great!!!

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135 days…read some step 3 out to sponsor this morning…:star2::heart_decoration::star2:


144 days and need stop chasing profit. Restore me to sanity! :pray::pray::pray::pray:

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5 months sober.:sunflower::star::sunflower:


Nearly 6 months. Staff party tonight and had two red bulls and a glass bottle of coke ,:grin::grin::grin::grin:…hence still awake past 1am.

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“the measure of my sobriety isn’t the distance between now and the last drink, but the distance between now and the next drink”

Feeling exasperated, worried, stressed. I just would like the lodge in the garden finished so my eldest can be in there . It costs so much money just have a couple of plug sockets in ,that I feel I’m being ripped off.

A few days from 7 months sober… l let go and the universe has carried me to today. Incredible. I don’t struggle to not drink, I don’t desire to drink, I had had enough and asked for help, searched for help, used the help , , I’ve got to work on helping others …:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::face_with_monocle:…it’s not all for ME!..

IT (universe power) is all about (around) me though. Can’t deny it :leaves::cyclone::tornado::dizzy::mount_fuji::volcano::sunrise_over_mountains::sunrise::globe_with_meridians:


So happy for you, Hazy! My sobriety date is March 10. I’m loving my sober life.