Alcohol free for me please universe

Feeling like shit still , 7th day of some sort of detox cold thing; haven’t been ill for this long since 2019… a real sweaty one this has one has been! Now it’s all coming out as snotty cold! Keeps me mindful of not overdoing things and replenishing water consistently. Couple of paracetamol plus my long list of morning /daily supplements and we continue :ok_hand:

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I hate those pesky colds that seem to hang on for weeks. I’m so sorry. Sleep is the first thing I try to get when fighting this crap, but may be hard with responsibilities. Hopefully you can at least work from home. Sending healing wishes your way.

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Part of active recovery is keeping things flexible and fresh. I can totally understand how after a long time around one program you might want to try something from a different perspective. I also struggle to do meditation under my own steam. It being a part of a meeting sounds a good way to do it!



Hi Hazy and sober family, love your post Hazy as it will give me more traction in my healing.
Not at all interested in alcohol or nicotine despite feeling emotionally raw. I will sit with these emotions to get through and past them.

So glad I havr various tools in the toolbox to cope and to remember everything is workable.
Going to really befriend myself to keep on the path and not avoid and not overly rely on helpers in my life to do the work for me.

HP , Ty for letting me grow as much as I could before really lighting my indulgent past into my consciousness.
HP , Ty for forgiveness as it will be the work of a lifetime (for me) - refuge recovery
Dear ones please forgive me for all the ways I have offended you - Buddhism
Dear ones please forgive me for all the ways I have offended you - Owen (more amends to work on)
Ty for letting me do life with you :heart::heart::heart::pray::pray::pray:


That’s lovely Thankyou so much :pray::heart:

I found a lemsip in my cupboard; it’s almost out of date! But I’m so ill :sneezing_face::weary::face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer:… I don’t think I’ve had a Lemsip in a decade that’s how ill I am. 2019 I had the vid and that was just a blocked nose and no sense of taste or smell and a bit of a headache. This is a mega shit storm of crap coming out!! And it will pass! :woozy_face::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

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Woke up better today after another feverish night; took a load of sambucol (elederberry + vits) yesterday and it has helped. Only a few paracetamol today and done a bit of studying. My children are content; and they cleaned their rooms without too much arguing ( I can’t shout too loud for sore throat from a cough!).


….,., and this morning I have a swollen throat where I can’t swallow, cough has disappeared and that was nasty,so todays gonna have to be ibuprofen on top of paracetamol. This is the most varied illness I have ever had!
Last week fever wed-Friday, Saturday-Monday bit of rough cold, tues better, Wednesday very ill and constant cough, Thursday better, today proper swollen throat and snotty nose that would fill a tissue :mask::joy::mask::joy::mask::joy: not funny but I’ll moan it out a bit today I reckon :weary::weary:


Maybe you are finally getting to the end of all the symptoms? I hope so!

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Haaaa so do I @Misokatsu :wink: I’m not going to preempt anything!!! And I’m gonna drink a lot more water too and flush the critters out :sneezing_face::sneezing_face::weary::weary::weary:🫶🏻🫶🏻

So woken up and the cough has gone…… I added turmeric to the regime, what a wonder turmeric is for lungs; look up dr shiva on YouTube…. I think the cold is finally subsiding after 2 weeks….I can relax and not get frustrated at myself for being ill anymore :hugs:. I got my results for the first term of year 2. I have passed except maybe have to do an essay which I could not be arsed to do at all last term,which is fine by me. My brain is back into engaged mode with studying so I’m ready to do what it takes. I take lots of breaks when studying this time around. I don’t want to go through burn out again! It’s befor 7am here in uk and I may doze off again as it’s my only lay in day,bar Sunday of course. Just being mindful of getting over this illness and not go crazy busy just because I’m feeling better!


So glad you are feeling better. I hate colds that linger in and in. So frustrating!


Thank you :relaxed:🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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Glad you are feeling better. Congrats on the term results. :clap:

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Thank you very much :pray:🫶🏻

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So tired! It’s 7am ! Lab practical this morning ; titrations and redox reactions. I should of looked over the lab workbook more yesterday as I had lots of free time! Doesn’t matter. I will get up have a decaf tea and get on with it :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face: cold is still in background, in my body and outside! It’s freezing again in uk :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:


Sat with feelings earlier this evening. They did pass.! I had thoughts of obliterating myself but I watched those thoughts and let them go. I just sat with the feelings and worked on why I was feeling like that. I changed my perspective mentally about how I was feeling and the sad horrible feeling changed to freedom. Strange but positive and very powerful. (Someone blew me out tonight but not totally, I asked no questions and was positive about it; not negative and didn’t react; I responded after thinking carefully/wisely)


I went to a talk tonight; imperial college London have been touring the uk doing talks on the research they are doing with psychedelics. 3 weeks ago I went to the ‘Science of Psychedelics’ and this one tonight was the ‘science of magic mushrooms’ :mushroom:🫶🏻 :mushroom: last week Australia legalised psychedelic therapy; uk won’t be too far behind. It’s an incredible compound.