Alcohol free for me please universe

You are doing great!!! Keep your juice handy!
It is nice to get out- just stick with your plan :star_struck:

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Thanks :+1:. Was all great, lime and soda all the way. Spent some time talking about my sisters soon to be ex husband,he’s an alcoholic, quite sad all the things he’s doing at the moment,but it was me doing all those things too before,I am gonna lend them my mini blue book to read the chapters ,for the wife,and for the family etc…got it from cocaine anonymous about 16 years ago so has a big stamp of that in the first page!.. Nice evening to be clean on day 60 :sunrise::city_sunrise::city_sunrise::city_sunrise:


Great job! And good meaningful connections :star_struck::sparkling_heart:

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Day 61, absolute miracle :clap:. I’m really glad and grateful, cautious tho …still keeping it in the day… Another ‘day’ Clean :city_sunrise::city_sunrise::city_sunrise::city_sunrise::hugs:


Day 62 nearly ended…I’m really grateful like all day it’s on my mind… really grateful I’m not drinking… . I think it’s a miracle :slight_smile:


Day 63,had a couple of clients yesterday that are lucky to be alive after having ‘the jab’… keep on thinking about it…told the doctors/sales managers, ages ago to stop calling me to offer it…:japanese_ogre: . I’m glad I have actually had conversations with ‘normal’ people that feel the same. I need to let it go.keep calm,and carry on.:zipper_mouth_face::grimacing:

It is hard and alcohol can be the hardest. I would recommend an herbal remedy. If you are not on prescription meds. Look into kudzu root it may help with your alcoholism. I’ve used pennherb ordering herbs. I’m a learning/wannabe herbalist

Recommend a herbal remedy for What?..

For your drinking. It’s not a cure or anything. Nothing is but may help ease you out of it. Or a simple chamomile tea may help relax you so you don’t fixate on drinking. They give skullcap tea to help ease heroine addicts to sleep.

Thanks :+1:

Day 65 and I did my final chemistry exam this morning for first year of university…so happy and so glad I completed it, and grateful I am clean and of sound (ish) mind and had clarity of focus to do the exam.:muscle::sparkling_heart::muscle::sparkling_heart::muscle::sparkling_heart::muscle::sparkling_heart::muscle:


66, feeling like I need to have a nap…first day of no studying without the needIng to study…I got up and was hundred miles an hour still, coffee coffee running about,I don’t need to keep my head in alert alert now,so I’m gonna chill…get me legs out in the sunshine,then maybe read a bit… been dying to read the countless books I’ve bought the last year but had to study,and recover!.. Reading out a few step 2 questions with my sponsor later,might ground me a bit more too… another day to get through without picking up a substance


That all went tits up
So tried to chill and read a book,lasted a few lines before I’d thought I’d get the padding pool out and fill it up…that took a couple of hours,Cleaned it,fixed a puncture on it on the top inflatable bit from the cat last year,cleaned up spider :spider:ridden hose,and proceeded to fill,…was pretty hot and bothered but thought it would be a good thing for kids after school…,2 hours of filling and it wasn’t quite filled,picked up children from school,…
all good, paddling pool still looked in one piece ready for action
,took my youngest up to the park,came back to take my son to boxing…and baammm

Cats cats cats,do not go well with inflatable parts. 2 hours of water,gone :joy::joy::joy::neutral_face:
forgot about sponsor calling too.

So basically wasted a lot of energy today when I should of just , stopped,and chilled the f out today… exhausted,and sunburnt :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Worked out on reflection why quite a few things went not quite how they were planned… haven’t been doing very many meetings, gonna try do one every day again,I have been a bit all over the place,not very grounded,

,I’m grateful quite a few things went wrong today to show me that I need to look at what I’m doing wrong or what I’m NOT doing, well I wasn’t doing many meetings …and I’m not looking after myself very well.

I know a lot about drinking Alcohol and taking Drugs and have many years experience.
I do not have much experience of Life Without Alcohol and Drugs.,so I listen and listen and listen to other addicts that have experience of living clean.


:star2:Grateful for those humans putting themselves out there and doing a lot of hard work and investigation for humanity. :star2:

,So I put myself out there today and enquired into volunteering for a youth club in the area… ‘interview’ next week.
A productive member of society is in my eyes some body that gives to society. I am doing things differently this time,from yesterday’s debacle after finishing studying and exams I definitely need to fill my time with something productive and giving. Yeah I could fill up my days by going back to work full time…but where’s that gonna get me,;
To exhaustion and feeling like a servant…paid services.
Nope I want to feel the different feelings of giving my time for free and seeing if I can be of help to younger people,I’d love to start my own Na meeting since there is none in the 10 Mile radius…but I think this is gonna be better… and because I’m sober ,it’s not for ego,I don’t need to feed that… I wanna get involved somehow in helping society…and this could be a baby step towards that. :pray::slightly_smiling_face:


68 days ,exercised today,did some running…at last!..well needed…I miss my running and Yoga,I think it’s good I didn’t go bam into exercise in first few weeks as I have used exercise to avoid the Void…I have no void today and gently filling my time and space where it wants to go.


68 days done…a full on,fully full wonderful day.
And I’m so glad there are incredible doctors putting themselves out there .

69 days and no desire to drink. :smiley:

70 days, no desire to pick up. Grateful to be here today. … did some running again today, watching what I eat, missing the coffee ,downgraded to tea with honey, gotta cut honey out,.

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Day 72, went to an informal interview to volunteer with a youth club…it went super, going to dip my toe in on Friday night and assist with archery, .excited for a new experience,and glad I am taking positive action to fill my empty time up with.:star::star::star::star::star: